About OCFO

OCFO leads the way to fiscally sound, cost effective program delivery, supported by reliable financial management information and infrastructure.
The OCFO will shape an environment in which USDA officials have and use high quality financial and performance information to make and implement effective policy, management, stewardship, and program decisions.
OCFO operations are led by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), who is assisted by the Deputy CFO, three Associate CFOs for: Financial Systems, Financial Operations, Financial Policy and Planning, and the Director, National Finance Center (NFC). OCFO is responsible for:
- Financial system management policy and the provision of timely, accurate, and reliable information from financial systems;
- Development of financial statements, cost accounting policy, and financial management budgets;
- Policy guidance and oversight of the Department's internal controls and management accountability programs and reporting to ensure adequate controls over Department assets;
- Oversight of the Departmental Working Capital Fund (WCF); and
- Providing policy guidance and oversight of the travel system, grants management, cash and credit management operations, and other financial management functions.
Guiding Principles
Financial Management Accountability and Integrity
As Federal stewards, we are committed to managing all of our programs through a system of internal control. We take responsibility for our actions and work to leverage limited resources to deliver greatest value per tax dollar.
We are a proactive organization that establishes and achieves meaningful goals, measures performance, and communicates results. We value individual excellence and collective success. We serve as the focal point for USDA financial management, embracing opportunities for change and improvement while being accurate and timely with our work.
Customer Focus
We value and maintain strong partnerships in achieving our goals. We reach out and listen to our customers to ensure that we are informed about their unique requirements, and they are informed about our capabilities as service providers. We are a customer-focused team, actively developing and providing products and services to meet customer requirements.
We respect and value a highly skilled, enthusiastic, motivated, service-oriented and diverse workforce. We encourage innovation and risk taking. We invest in continuing professional development for all employees to ensure a technically competent and knowledgeable workforce.
Strategic Goals
The OCFO focuses on the Department's financial and performance management activities to improve program delivery and assure maximum contribution to the Secretary's Strategic Goals.
- Promote sound financial management through leadership, policy and oversight.
- Implement and maintain an infrastructure to provide management with online real time financial management information necessary for sound decision making.
- Provide superior cross-servicing for financial and administrative services to USDA and other Federal Government agencies.
Challenges and Opportunities:
- Leverage resources to accomplish the mission. This leveraging may require analyzing and/or re-engineering business processes; improving support systems and infrastructure; and utilizing interdisciplinary approaches and shared resources.
- Address changing expectations from the Congress, the administration, customers, and stakeholders.
- Respond to changing Government-wide requirements/priorities.
- Manage the information explosion by making financial information more useful and usable.
- Maintain high quality customer service while keeping pace with technological change. This challenge also requires determining how to better serve customers who might have unequal access to, and limited knowledge of, computers, and fostering creativity and innovation in customer service.
Employment Opportunities
If you are interested in working for OCFO, or for the Federal Government in general, please visit the USAJobs website to view employment opportunities.