Office of the Chief Records Officer for the U.S. Government
About the Office of the Chief Records Officer for the U.S. Government
At the Office of the Chief Records Officer for the U.S. Government, our job is to ensure that Federal agencies handle the records of U.S. Government activities appropriately by following the Federal Records Act for the benefit of the American people. We do this by developing regulations and policies that govern how agencies manage Federal records. Our highly experienced staff helps agency records managers develop schedules that tell agencies how long to keep records of different types. We have a robust inspection program that regularly checks how well agencies are following laws, regulations, and policies, resulting in reports that are regularly presented to Congress and the public. When agencies lose or inappropriately destroy records outside the schedules, we track each allegation and any communications with the agency until the issue is resolved. Our training program focuses on preparing Agency Records Officers for the daunting task of managing the complex records programs at Federal agencies.
Policy and Guidance
From the Office of the Chief Records Officer for the U.S. Government
The Office of the Chief Records Officer develops guidance on creating, managing, and disposing of Federal records in all media. The office also develops Federal records management standards, with an emphasis on electronic records. You can find additional records management information and resources at the records management website.
- Basic Laws and Authorities
- Regulations
- Departmental Regulations
- DR 3080-001 Records Management (PDF, 122 KB)
- DR 3085-001 Vital Records Management Program (PDF, 40.2 KB)
- DR 3090-001 Litigation Retention Policy for Documentary Materials including Electronically Stored Information (PDF, 117 KB)
- DR 3099-001 Records Management Policy for Departing Employees, Contractors, Volunteers and Political Appointees (PDF, 87.4 KB)
- USDA OCFO Directives (coming soon)
- Records Schedules
- NARA Bulletins
- More Policy and Guidance Information
Senior Officials and Political Appointees
- Departmental Records Management Entrance Guide for Senior Officials (PDF, 179 KB)
- Guidance for Senior Officials and Political Appointees
- Documenting Your Public Service
- NARA Records Management Guidance for Political Appointees
- Departmental Records Management Exit Procedures Quick Guide (PDF, 171 KB)
Entry and Exit Clearance Documents (All USDA Personnel*)
- Departmental Records Management Entrance Guide for Senior Officials (PDF, 179 KB)
- Departmental Records Management Entrance Guide (PDF, 172 KB)
- Departmental Records Management Exit Procedures Quick Guide (PDF, 172 KB)
* USDA Personnel are Employees, Contractors, Students, Volunteers, Interns, Fellows and Political Appointees.
Questions or comments? Contact:
Training and Education
- USDA - Annual Records Management Training
- Records Management Training Program
- Online Learning
- Microlearning Lessons
- NARA Learning Center
- Agency Records Officer Credential (AROC)
- Records Management Instruction Support (ReMIS)
- Training Questions or Concerns