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Sign-up for Natural Disaster Assistance Program Opens Today

January 10, 2011 at 10:05 AM

Sign-up for the Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) program starts today for farmers and ranchers who suffered losses caused by natural disasters during the 2009 crop year.

This program provides assistance to producers who have suffered from natural disasters and is part of the ‘safety net’ designed to assist farmers and ranchers who feed America and the world.

Eligible farmers must have at least a 10 percent production loss on a crop of economic significance; have a policy or plan under the Federal Crop Insurance Act of Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program and; be physically located in a county or connecting county declared a natural disaster area.

Interested producers should contact their local Farm Service Agency county office or visit the SURE Web page.


One central entry point for you to access information and help from USDA.