Usually when I submit a post for the Rural Development blog, the subject is an event, such as a closing, ribbon-cutting or groundbreaking ceremony.
This entry as a little different – it is a blog about another blog.
On April 22, 2009, USDA Rural Development in Michigan commemorated Earth Day by breaking ground for major improvements to the City of West Branch’s sewer system.
USDA Rural Development provided a total of $16.8 million in loan and grant funds to the West Branch Area Wastewater Treatment Plant Authority to upgrade or repair every element of the existing collection system and wastewater treatment plant. The treatment plant is approximately 30 years old and portions of the collection system are between 50 and 100 years old. The project will serve approximately 1,000 customers and has been underway since then.
Like many towns, West Branch has its own web site and that site also features a series of photo blogs documenting their projects. This link takes you directly to the sewer project.
To learn how USDA Rural Development can work with your community to upgrade your water and waste systems click here.