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USDA Recovery Act Funding Improves Water Quality in a Nebraska Community

May 24, 2010 at 1:49 PM

USDA Rural Development Nebraska State Director Maxine Moul, staff and the residents of  Stromsburg celebrated the 40th anniversary of Earth Day recently with the announcement of more than $2.2 million in planned improvements to the City's municipal water system.  The improvements will bring the system, serving more than 500 users, into compliance with new Safe Drinking Water Act regulations.  Special recognition was given to those who were instrumental to the project as they each signed a segment of water pipe.

Three fourth graders from Cross County Community School attended as special guests for being selected as the winners of the 2010 Earth Day poster contest.  First place winner was Kaylen Miller, second place Samantha Theis, and third place Jarrett Quick.  The event also included a proclamation from Nebraska’s Governor Dave Heineman.

“Rural Development is pleased to assist Stromsburg with their water

project,” said Moul.  “Quality water is a necessity for all and through the water improvements we are celebrating today, quality water will continue to be provided to the City.”

The City of Stromsburg’s three wells contain water with arsenic levels which exceed the new regulatory requirements established under the Safe Drinking Water Act.  A 600 gpm absorption filtration treatment plant will bring the system into compliance with new state regulatory guidelines.  Segments of the existing deteriorated aged water mains will also be replaced.

USDA Rural Development funding for the project was made available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.  The $1,358,000 loan and $541,500 grant from Rural Development will be leveraged with a $139,724 loan and $96,776 grant through the State Revolving Loan Fund with the remaining $100,000 contributed by the City.

Water Pipe signed by State Senator Greg Adams, State Director Maxine Moul and staff, City Clerk and Associates,  Consulting Engineers, and Earth Day 4th grade poster contest winners from Cross County Community Schools.
Water Pipe signed by State Senator Greg Adams, State Director Maxine Moul and staff, City Clerk and Associates,  Consulting Engineers, and Earth Day 4th grade poster contest winners from Cross County Community Schools.


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