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Chinese Purchases of U.S. Ag. Products Continue to Soar

00:01:00.107   2021-03-08   
Latest numbers show Chinese purchases of U.S. agricultural products are continuing to be far above last year's levels. (Gary Crawford and USDA economist, Bart Kenner)

For Trade Data Purposes USDA Adding Items to "Agricultural" Product List

00:00:59.924   2021-03-08   
For trade data purposes USDA is changing the definition of "agricultural" products to include more products. (Gary Crawford and USDA economist, Bart Kenner)

Starlings Can Be an Expensive Nuisance for Dairies

00:00:59.977   2021-03-08   
Starlings can be costly pests when they steal and contaminate dairy feed. (Stephanie Ho and Ken Preusser, USDA's Wildlife Services)

Starlings Cost Dairy Farms More than Just Lost Feed

00:00:58.697   2021-03-08   
Starlings can cost dairy farms more than just the the amount of the feed that the birds consume. (Stephanie Ho; Stephanie Shwiff, USDA's Wildlife Services; Ken Preusser, USDA's Wildlife Services)

Actuality: Starling Problem Takes Emotional Toll, Too

00:00:40.124   2021-03-08   
USDA research economist, Stephanie Shwiff, says it has not been easy for dairy producers to effectively deal with starlings, which can cause millions of dollars of damage at their dairies.

A Look at Integrated Livestock Protection

00:01:00.133   2021-03-08   
USDA researchers are studying how various non-lethal tools and strategies within an integrated approach can protect livestock from predator attack. (Rod Bain. Julie Young and Elizabeth Miller of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Wildlife Services)

Actuality: Examples of Integrated Livestock Protection Tools and Strategies

00:01:00.107   2021-03-08   
Julie Young of USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services describes some of the strategies and tools, most non-lethal, that make up an integrated livestock protection system against predators.

CFAP Review Continuing, According to Vilsack

00:01:00.421   2021-03-05   
The Agriculture Secretary provided an update on analysis of USDA based COVID-19 relief for producers during his Commodity Classic appearance. (Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack)

Vilsack on Potential of Renewable Fuels Industry

00:01:00.421   2021-03-05   
Renewable fuels will play an important part in meeting America's energy and environmental needs in the coming years, according to the Agriculture Secretary. (Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack)

Actuality: Renewable Fuel Industry Growth, Opportunity, and Support

00:00:54.334   2021-03-05   
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack explains his views on the staying power of the renewable fuels industry, plus what future opportunities for growth, and potential support will be available for this sector.

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