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What's It Like for a USDA Veterinarian to Administer COVID Vaccines?

00:00:59.585   2021-03-11   
What's it like for a USDA veterinarian from North Dakota to help administer COVID vaccines in Nevada? (Stephanie Ho and Kate Kilzer, USDA veterinarian)

USDA Contributes Significant COVID Vaccination Help in Las Vegas

00:00:59.689   2021-03-11   
USDA employees are contributing significant help in administering COVID vaccinations in Las Vegas. (Stephanie Ho and Rob Dickens, USDA veterinarian)

USDA Livestock Veterinarian Helps Administer COVID Vaccines in Nevada

00:01:00.186   2021-03-11   
A USDA veterinarian who normally works with livestock is helping to administer COVID vaccines to people in Nevada. (Stephanie Ho and Kate Kilzer, USDA veterinarian)

Actuality: USDA/Las Vegas Officials Work Together to Give COVID Vaccines

00:00:46.158   2021-03-11   
USDA veterinarian, Rob Dickens, talks about how smoothly the coordination has been for him and his colleagues to help local officials administer COVID vaccinations in Las Vegas.

Incentives Globally to Plant Corn

00:00:59.898   2021-03-11   
A desire by Brazil to plant corn, even in a late season, is one example of current market factors incentivizing producers around the world to increase corn acreage. (Rod Bain and World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski)

Actuality: Why Brazil Corn Farmers are Planting Late

00:00:39.262   2021-03-11   
World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski discusses the incentive that Brazil's corn farmers have in planting their crops late this season, despite the potential of lower yields.

Australia Adds to Record World Wheat Production Estimates

00:00:59.898   2021-03-11   
A significant year-over-year rebound in Australian wheat production is forecasted for this season, adding to already record global production estimates. (Rod Bain and World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski)

Supermarkets Have Made Big Covid-Related Changes, and Small Ones, too.

00:01:00.107   2021-03-11   
The pandemic has forced supermarkets to make big changes in how they operate, but also some fairly subtle changes, as well. (Gary Crawford and Andy Harig with the Food Marketing Institute)

Actuality: Expert: USDA/Food Industry Did Well in Covid Food Chain Adjustments

00:00:34.899   2021-03-11   
Andy Harig with the Food Marketing Institute saying that USDA and the food industry did a good job making the huge Covid-related adjustments to the food system that were needed.

Ag Secretary Praises Newly Passed American Rescue Plan

00:00:58.096   2021-03-10   
The Secretary of Agriculture says many USDA programs will benefit from the newly passed stimulus bill. (Stephanie Ho and Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack)

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