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Actuality: The Latest on Corn Crop Progress

00:00:48.216   2024-07-01   
Brad Rippey, USDA meteorologist, with corn crop progress numbers.

Actuality: Soybean Condition Rating Holding Its Own

00:00:44.640   2024-07-01   
Brad Rippey, USDA meteorologist, saying that the soybean crop is doing better than corn under difficult conditions.

Actuality: Soybean Development

00:00:49.752   2024-07-01   
Brad Rippey, USDA meteorologist, with soybean crop progress.

Cotton Condition Takes a Hit

00:00:52.680   2024-07-01   
The condition of the cotton crop has taken another hit. (Gary Crawford and Brad Rippey, USDA meteorologist)

Actuality: Peanut Condition Ratings

00:00:41.184   2024-07-01   
Brad Rippey, USDA meteorologist, with a report on the peanut crop.

Actuality: Rice Condition Report

00:00:18.216   2024-07-01   
Brad Rippey, USDA meteorologist, with a rice condition report.

Actuality: Winter Wheat Harvest and Condition Report

00:00:50.496   2024-07-01   
Brad Rippey, USDA meteorologist, with the latest on winter wheat harvesting and condition.

Actuality: Spring Wheat Progress and Condition

00:00:38.520   2024-07-01   
Brad Rippey, USDA meteorologist, with the latest on the spring wheat crop.

Corn Markets React to Acreage/'Stocks Reports

00:01:00.024   2024-06-28   
Corn markets reacted to USDA reports on planted acreage an stocks. (Gary Crawford and USDA Chief economist Seth Meyer)

Actuality: Corn Growers Storing a Lot of Corn on the Farm

00:00:24.120   2024-06-28   
USDA Chief economist Seth Meyer says corn growers are storing a large percentage of their corn on the farm, up37% from last year.

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