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Radio Features

USDA Releases Trade Outlook for Fiscal Year 2024

00:02:25.371 2023-12-05   
USDA is out with its new agricultural trade forecast for 2024. (Gary Crawford and USDA Chief Economist Seth Meyer)

Mapping a Path to a Potential Ag Career

00:04:59.911 2023-11-28   
A pilot program involving UDSA’s Foreign Agricultural Service and the U.S. Agency for International Development is providing Tanzanian youth an opportunity to apply learned geomapping skills to agriculture, and in turn, potential opportunities in ag based career. Rod Bain looks at this pilot involving the organization Youth Mappers in this edition of “Agriculture USA”.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. Lisa Colson and Luke Nye of the Foreign Agricultural Service

A New USDA Food Price Forecast for 2023

00:02:51.833 2023-11-28   
How much more than last year will shoppers end up paying for food this year? The USDA has a new forecast. Gary Crawford has the story.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and USDA economist, Megan Sweitzer

An Optimistic 2024 Food Price Forecast

00:02:54.236 2023-11-28   
What sort of food price inflation situation will shoppers see in 2024? Gary Crawford has the latest forecast from an expert.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and USDA economist, Megan Sweitzer

"Mindful" Eating Can Help Prevent Holiday Weight Gain

00:02:53.923 2023-11-28   
Want to prevent holiday weight gain? One expert has an unusual way to do that. Gary Crawford has more.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Sharolyn Jackson with Kansas State University Extension.

How to Safely Ship or Receive Perishable Holiday Foods

00:03:00.035 2023-11-28   
There's still plenty of time to send or receive holiday gifts of perishable foods. An expert has tips on how to do that safely. Gary Crawford has more.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Meredith Carothers of USDA's Meat and Poultry Hotline. A famous cartoon bird.

****Broadcasters: The USDA's Meat and Poultry Hotline number is 888-MPHOTLINE(888-674-6854) Listeners can also go online to

On the Defensive Against Holiday Scams

00:02:55.490 2023-11-28   
What are some cons and scams consumers should watch out for as they shop or provide charity this holiday season? Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Amy Nofzinger of the American Association of Retired Persons

Beef Herd Contraction Continues as Feedlot Placements Increase

00:02:24.195 2023-11-28   
Beef cattle herd contraction is still going on. Gary Crawford has more in this report.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and USDA livestock analyst, Shayle Shagam

Helping Longleaf Pine Trees Make a Comeback

00:02:24.222 2023-11-28   
Longleaf pine trees are making a comeback in the Southeast, with some help from several dedicated groups. Gary Crawford has more.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Carol Denhof, President of the Longleaf Alliance. Under Secretary of Agriculture for Farm Production and Conservation Robert Bonnie.

Ag Trade Group Reaction to RAPP

00:02:29.524 2023-11-28   
What are some of the thoughts of farm and food commodity organizations and trade group about USDA’s recently announced Regional Agricultural Promotion Program? Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. Secretary Tom Vilsack. Steve Mercer of U.S. Wheat Associates. Joe Schuele of the U.S. Meat Export Federation. Brent Boydston of the U.S. Grains Council.

Soybean Commodity Market Analysis Reaction to Brazilian News

00:02:24.274 2023-11-28   
What has been the reaction of commodity brokers and analysis to recent news related to Brazil’s soybean crops from USDA reports to the latest weather events? Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. Commodity analyst Don Roose. Commodity broker Tommy Grisafi. Commodity analyst Mike Zuzolo.
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