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Radio Features

Protecting Crops from Above

00:02:30.047 2023-08-08   
Many of the top U.S. pilots are not employed by the military or the major airlines. They're employed by farmers. Gary Crawford has more.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Jim Perrin, agricultural aviator from Bancroft, Wisconsin and President of the National Agricultural Aviation Association

Introducing the Earth Information Center

00:05:00.068 2023-08-01   
A new real time data collection resource is now available online. Its purpose is to assist with climate, weather, and natural resource matters on our home planet. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Bill Nelson. Agricultural Research Service Deputy Administrator Marlen Eve. Kansas farmer Duane Roth (pronounced “Row-th”)

Handling the Heat While Working Outside

00:02:59.774 2023-08-01   
If you are trying to work outside in severe heat, an expert has some tips to help keep you safe from heat stroke. Gary Crawford has the story.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey. Ohio State University professor Dee Jepsen.

Taking Stock of Global Food Systems

00:02:30.883 2023-08-01   
Two years after the inaugural United Nations Food Systems Summit global delegations have convened again to take stock of progress in world food systems and food safety. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Jenny Moffitt

Some Better News on the Food Price Front

00:03:00.244 2023-08-01   
Is food price inflation finally starting to stabilize? Gary Crawford has this report.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Matt MacLachlan, USDA economist.

The Avocado Advantage

00:03:00.192 2023-08-01   
While consumption of many fruits has been stable over the years, consumption of avocados is booming. Gary Crawford has this report from a sweltering Washington D.C. farmers market.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Tomi Ajiboye, with USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service.

Taking Good Care of Your Brain

00:02:58.102 2023-08-01   
An expert says take care of your brain. It's the only one you've got. Gary Crawford has expert advice on how to boost your brain.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Sharolyn Jackson, with Kansas State University Extension.

Potential Ag Export Expansion in Two Southeast Asian Markets

00:02:15.836 2023-08-01   
Singapore and Malaysia are two nations of focus for an upcoming USDA-led agricultural trade mission. Both countries have significant potential as growing markets for U.S. food and farm goods. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Alexis Taylor

Advice for Farmers/Farm Workers on Handling Dangerous Heat

00:02:30.125 2023-08-01   
If you are a farmer or farm worker, an expert has some advice to help get you through severe heat conditions. Gary Crawford has more.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Ohio State University health and safety educator, Dee Jepsen. USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey.

Water Use Efficiency Study for the Birds

00:02:11.400 2023-08-01   
Research is underway on genetic selection of chicken to produce traits that lead to poultry with greater water use efficiency. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICPANTS: Rod Bain and Sara Orlowski of University of Arkansas Extension

Big Data's Evolution in Ag

00:02:30.204 2023-08-01   
Farm based big data systems and tools have come a long way since they first appeared in the form of yield monitors on harvesters. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Kendall Kirk of Clemson University
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