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Showing: 831 - 840 of 8105 Results

Partnership Efforts to Address Australia Wildfires

February 04, 2020 Imani Lester, Office of Communications, USDA Forest Service

As wildfires, or “bushfires”, burn throughout Australia, the USDA Forest Service and U.S. Department of the Interior continue to deploy wildfire personnel to assist with fire suppression efforts. The two departments have sent more than 200 firefighters since November of 2019.


Your Winning Game Plan for Super Bowl Party Food and Leftovers

January 28, 2020 Lynn Pereira, Food Safety Education Staff, USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service

If you’re planning to host friends and family on Super Bowl Sunday, remember that no party is complete without a game plan for leftovers. And a good game plan starts with the end in mind. Strategizing now can help you prevent foodborne illness and reduce food waste later.

Health and Safety

Helping America’s Farmers, Ranchers, and Producers When They Need It Most

January 28, 2020 Brent Elrod, National Program Leader, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Have you ever felt like you reached your breaking point? Known someone who has? Didn’t know where to turn when you needed help?

Research and Science

A Look at America’s Family Farms

January 23, 2020 Christine Whitt, Resource and Rural Economics Division, Economic Research Service

The more than 2 million farms in the U.S. vary greatly in size and characteristics. For example, annual gross revenue can range from as little as $1,000 to more than $5 million.

Farming Research and Science

NASS Builds Its Future on 150-Year Foundation of Agricultural Statistics

January 21, 2020 Hubert Hamer, NASS Administrator

USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) is well known for being the gold standard for U.S. agricultural data that can help you in your work. We are proud of our reputation for providing useful, accurate data in service to U.S. agriculture for more than 150 years. When extension agents...

Research and Science

Cold 1 – Hot 2: Don’t Let Bacteria Score a Touchdown on Super Bowl Sunday

January 21, 2020 Clara Yuvienco, Food Safety Education Staff, USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service

The rules of a football game are clear, but many don’t know game-day food safety rules. Help your guests stay healthy by tackling offensive bacteria that could be in possession of your food. Be ready to intercept foodborne illness and protect the serving line with a defense of food safety tips.

Health and Safety

Mississippi Rises to the Top of U.S. Aquaculture

January 16, 2020 Esmerelda Dickson, Mississippi State Statistician, National Agricultural Statistics Service

Agriculture continues to be Mississippi’s top industry for revenue generated in the Magnolia State. Poultry is Mississippi’s largest agricultural commodity, leading as the most valuable livestock product including eggs-layers with sales valued at $3.1 billion. The 2017 Census of Agriculture showed...

Research and Science

Rediscovering Cover Crops and the Power of ‘Green Manure’

January 14, 2020 Scott Elliott, Agricultural Research Service

Farmers throughout history have taken advantage of off-season plant growth to enhance their next year’s crops. These plants, called cover crops, are beneficial in many ways, including protection against weed infestation and soil erosion, as well as feed for farm animals. Some farmers use cover crops...

Research and Science

A Uniquely Alaskan Solution to Bring Broadband to an Isolated Gulf Community

January 13, 2020 Alaska Rural Development State Director Jerry Ward

Imagine building a broadband network where there are no roads to move supplies, or electrical grids to power cellular towers. Yakutat is an isolated community of about 650 tucked into a sheltered bay off the Gulf of Alaska, disconnected from the road system, and hundreds of miles from Alaska...

Broadband Rural

Hurricane Recovery for Forest and Conservation Nurseries

January 13, 2020 Diane Haase, Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetics Resources, U.S. Forest Service

Hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones have caused devastating damage to nearly all of the American-Affiliated islands during the past few years. In 2017, Hurricanes Irma and Maria struck the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Just a year later, Typhoons Yutu and Mangkhut hit Guam and the Northern...



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