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Rural Development Helps Tribal Communities Grow

As President Obama challenges Americans to win the future, we at USDA are implementing ways to do so by helping tribal communities across the country out-innovate, out-educate, and out-build our global competition. Starting in rural America, but more specifically within tribal communities, we see an amazing opportunity to improve the economic climate and provide a better tomorrow for today’s youth.

At the 2011 Reservation Economic Summit, I was able to showcase the programs we are employing through USDA’s Rural Development to better the lives of those living in rural America, and to support tribal economic development. As the summit rang in its 25th anniversary, the conversation was abuzz with ideas on how to spur economic development in Indian Country – and investing in our Nation’s rural infrastructure is a great place to start.

What Do Cows and Birds Have in Common?

“What’s good for the birds is good for the cows,” says Duane Coombs, ranch manager for Smith Creek Ranch in central Nevada. That’s why Coombs and his neighbor on the other side of the Desatoya Mountain Range are working to restore habitat for the western sage-grouse, a chicken-sized bird that is being considered for endangered species listing by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Sage-grouse are a keystone species for the sagebrush ecosystem.

USDA Firma Acuerdo Para Proveer Redes de Oportunidades a las Instituciones Educativas Hispanas

USDA no está hablando solamente, sino que también toma medidas para ayudar a los hispanoamericanos. El Departamento puso un pie al frente hoy cuando el Secretario de Agricultura Federal Tom Vilsack y Sandra V. Serrano de la Asociación Hispana de Colegios y Universidades, firmaron un Acuerdo de Entendimiento que creará nuevos programas y otras actividades. Este acuerdo mejorará la educación de los hispanoamericanos para que sigan una carrera relacionada en el campo agrícola.

El acuerdo demuestra el esfuerzo que hace USDA en ayudar a los hispanoamericanos a tener una educación de excelencia mediante la colaboración con la Asociación Hispana de Colegios y Universidades (AHCU) para desarrollar un programa entre USDA y las Instituciones Educativas Hispanas.

USDA Signs Agreement to Provide Network of Opportunity for Hispanic Institutions

USDA isn’t just talking, but taking action to help Hispanic Americans. The department stepped forward today as Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Sandra V. Serrano of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that will build programs and other activities to help further the education of Hispanic Americans and contribute to the commitment of preparing America’s young people to pursue careers in agriculture.

The agreement highlights USDA’s dedication to helping Hispanic Americans achieve educational excellence by collaborating with the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) to develop a USDA and Hispanic-Serving Institutions agenda.

Agricultural Science – from the Classroom to the Laboratory to the Plate

Last week, I was in South Carolina to see some of the work being done by USDA’s scientists at the U. S. Vegetable Laboratory, where researchers strive to improve vegetable yields and quality. Any chef will tell you great meals begin with high quality ingredients, and nutritionists will add that a colorful meal is a nutrient-dense meal.  On my way to the lab, I stopped at a place that is focused on that good food equation, especially using locally sourced produce: The Culinary Institute of Charleston at Trident Technical College.

¿Tienes Hambre? Los programas de USDA sirven a la comunidad Latina en Miami.

Junto con nuestros colegas del Servicio de Alimentos y Nutrición de USDA, el Centro de Organizaciones de Fe y Comunitarias de USDA ha estado trabajando de cerca con los pastores en Miami, Florida para ampliar las oportunidades de proporcionar alimentos a aquellos con necesidad.  El 24 de marzo, uno de nuestros socios, la Coalición de Fe de Familias y Niños en el sur de Florida, tendrá una sesión de entrenamiento sobre el Programa de Servicio de Alimentos de Verano para proporcionar comidas gratuitas a las congregaciones que sirvan como sitios de alimentación de verano.

¿Tienes Hambre? USDA Programs Serve the Latino Community in Miami.

Together with our colleagues at USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service, USDA’s Partnership Center has been working closely with pastors in Miami, Florida to expand opportunities to provide food to hungry people.  On March 24, one of our partners, the Family and Children Faith Coalition in South Florida, is hosting a training session on the Summer Food Service Program to provide free meals for congregations that host summer feeding sites.

On the Waterfront, Ag Trade Is Booming

I visited Long Beach, Calif., yesterday to talk about the importance of trade. It’s clear to me that if we are to build an economy that works for future generations, we must help our businesses continue to grow, innovate and out-compete the rest of the world. Continuing to see farm export growth will be a key indication that our nation’s economy is moving in the right direction.

Going for the Gold in the HealthierUS School Challenge

Cross posted from the Let's Move! blog:

Most Olympians will tell you that going for the “gold” is never an easy road.  They will also tell you that it is an achievement that requires dedication and hard work, but the rewards are well worth the effort. Those rewards are even greater when the outcome improves the health and well-being of children.