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Reflecting on One Year of Innovation at Rural Development

Last year, Secretary Perdue created the Rural Development Innovation Center, a team devoted to partnership development, regulatory reform, data analysis, and risk management. With a mission of coordinating resources and providing creative solutions for our rural customer, the Innovation Center is designed to hard wire innovation into our program delivery. In recognition of the Innovation Center’s first anniversary, I’d like to share a few reflections on a year of transformation in Rural Development through innovation.

Food Safety Tips for All of Your Fall Fun

Welcome to fall! Even though the weather is beginning to cool and the days are becoming shorter, there are so many fun fall activities to do with your family and friends. Whether you’re planning to do something outdoors like apple picking, hiking or camping; or have a fun cookout or pot luck event such as tailgating at a football game, it’s important to handle your food safely. By following our fall food safety tips, you’ll avoid FALLing ill with foodborne illness.

What Can I Bring Back with Me When I Travel Overseas?

When you travel, it’s likely you’ll want to bring home more than just memories of your trip. If you are someone who likes to bring home souvenirs, mementos, food gifts or other objects from overseas, there’s some important information you need to know. Selecting the wrong kinds of items could bring back more than you bargained for… you may also bring along diseases or invasive species that could threaten forests, farms or even your garden. These seemingly harmless items could devastate United States agriculture.

NASS Gathers Feedback from Farmers and Ranchers about Their Survey Experience

Data collected from farmers and ranchers by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) allows for timely and accurate statistics that help our customers – U.S. farmers and ranchers, among many others – make informed business decisions. These vital data also affect farm policy, influence trade and the market, as well as academic and historical research. Producing these statistics depends on a positive survey experience for our customers.