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rural development

Oregon Jobs and Economic Growth Forums Scheduled

Two community forums on jobs and economic growth are being held in Oregon as a follow up to President Obama’s December 3 White House briefings on job creation.

Rural Development and Farm Service Agency Hold Massachusetts Jobs Forum

Rural Development’s Southern New England jurisdiction received a strong response when we sent out the call to our partners, fellow community development strategists and business leaders to join us for a local jobs forum. Community and business leaders in our area told us they were eager for the opportunity to take part in a local conversation - like the national forum held by President Obama in early December, 2009 - exploring possible avenues for job creation in the region.

North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota Come Together for a Jobs Forum

Freezing temperatures, swirling winds and snow didn’t stop about 90 people from coming out and sharing their ideas with the USDA about how the agency can best create jobs and economic development in rural communities. The North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota offices of USDA Rural Development and the Farm Service Agency hosted a tri-state rural jobs and economic development forum on January 6 at the North Dakota State College of Science in Wahpeton.

Job Creation and Labor Training Discussed at Guam Jobs Forum

Labor, banking, local government and development officials joined representatives from USDA in Guam last month for a jobs forum, one of a number scheduled across America.  The Obama Administration, through USDA Rural Development and Farm Service Agency staff, is seeking comments from Americans in all walks of life, including small business owners and local leaders following a jobs summit at the White House in December.