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Food Safety This Holiday Season

Cross posted from the White House blog:

With the holiday season in full swing, many of us are thinking about the meals we’ll soon be sharing with family and friends.  Whether it’s turkey and egg nog, or latkes, or a New Year’s buffet, food is always a central and cherished part of the festivities. Of course, we all know that a necessary ingredient for any meal is food safety.

When the President came into office, he said that “protecting the safety of our food and drugs is one of the most fundamental responsibilities government has.” He pledged to strengthen our food safety laws and to enhance the government’s food safety performance.

Setting the Record Straight on Congress’ Lifting of the Ban on Horse Slaughter

There has been a lot of talk in the past week about Congress’ lifting of the ban prohibiting federal funding for the inspection of horses, which prevented the slaughter of horses for human consumption for the past five years.  The issue is understandably a sensitive and emotional one for everyone who loves these majestic animals, but it is important that the discussion be tempered with the facts.

Turkey FUNdamentals: Leftovers

“Would you like a doggy bag to take home?” asks the waiter. “That would be great” says the diner. Nearly half of her dinner remains on the plate and will make a quick second meal for another day.

But wait. Here’s the same diner calling the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Meat and Poultry Hotline the following day. “I put a restaurant doggy bag in the back seat of my car last night, and when I came out to drive to work, there it sat. Is it safe if I heat it up again?”

Thanksgiving Q and A: Chef Ingrid Hoffmann, USDA, and FDA Talk Turduckens and Pumpkin Pie on Twitter

Yesterday, the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline joined celebrity chef Ingrid Hoffmann and FDA’s Howard Seltzer to answer Thanksgiving food safety questions via Twitter. With @FoodSafetygov selecting questions from the audience, the panel of experts was able to answer 22 questions in an hour using the handle @USDAFoodSafety. Now that the chat is over, people are still sharing the tips with their friends and followers, helping get these important messages into as many kitchens as possible before Thursday.

The Thanksgiving questions and answers covered in the chat are listed below. Take a look—you might have been wondering some of these yourself. If you need to know something that is not listed here, call the Meat and Poultry Hotline weekdays at 1-888-MPHotline (1-888-674-6854) from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays, and from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day.

Disfrute los Días Festivos: Prepare Comidas Inocuas y Saludables

Serie especial para los días festivos- 5to blog de 5

Durante la pasada semana, la Dra. Janey Thornton, subsecretaria comisionada de Alimentos, Nutrición y Servicio al Consumidor del USDA y yo hemos compartido con ustedes recetas de bajo costo con consejos simples para un manejo adecuado de alimentos que les ayudaran a preparar cenas saludables e inocuas para los días festivos. Hasta ahora, hemos compartido con ustedes recetas para un delicioso pavo,  relleno, y acompañantes como manzanas y camotes (batatas) al horno y salteado de ejotes . Pare este último blog, nos enfocamos en el pastel de calabaza, uno de los manjares de la cena festiva. Al igual que otros platos festivos que contienen huevos, la preparación del relleno para el pastel de calabaza puede envolver pasos que lleven a enfermedades transmitidas a través de los alimentos, si no se hacen con cuidado. La receta para el pastel de calabaza envuelve pasos para manejar cada alimento cuidadosamente, desde el paso de mezclar los ingredientes hasta el paso de guardar las sobras del pastel. Le incluimos una hoja informativa que le puede ayudar a contestar cualquier duda que pueda tener sobre cómo cocinar con huevos crudos durante esta temporada festiva. En adición, usted puede llamar a la Línea de Información sobre Carnes y Aves del USDA al 1-888-674-6854, de lunes a viernes, desde las 10 a.m. a 4 p.m. (hora del este), y desde 8 a.m. a 2 p.m. durante el día de Acción de Gracias.

¡Disfrute y tenga un feliz día de Acción de Gracias!

Enjoy the Holidays: Preparing Healthy and Safe Meals!

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Over the past week, Dr. Janey Thornton, Deputy Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services, and I have provided low-cost recipes incorporating simple food safety tips to help you prepare healthy and safe holiday meals. So far, we’ve posted recipes for turkey, stuffing, baked apples and sweet potatoes, and green beans. For the final blog in this series, we’re focusing on pumpkin pie, one of the mainstays of holiday meals. Like other holiday treats containing eggs, pumpkin pie filling can be messy to prepare and may lead to foodborne illness if not done carefully. This pumpkin pie recipe incorporates food safety tips at every step from mixing to storing leftovers. If you have further concerns about cooking with eggs this holiday season, this fact sheet should be really helpful. Additionally, I invite you to call USDA’s Meat & Poultry Hotline at 1-888-MPHotline weekdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m EST, and from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. EST on Thanksgiving Day.

Enjoy a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

Disfrute los Días Festivos: Prepare Comidas Inocuas y Saludables

Serie especial para los días festivos- 4to blog de 5

¿Está buscando una sabrosa receta con vegetales que pueda incluir en su menú para la comida festiva? La Dra. Hagen y yo con gusto podemos ayudarle! Les proveemos recetas para comidas festivas, de bajo costo, con consejos sencillos para un manejo adecuado de alimentos que le ayudarán a preparar comidas saludables e inocuas durante los días festivos. Hasta ahora, hemos compartido recetas para el pavo, relleno, y para un acompañante de manzanas y camote (batatas) al horno. Hoy tenemos una receta deliciosa para un salteado de ejoles. Asegúrese de ver nuestro próximo blog, mañana, para la receta final – pastel crujiente de calabaza. ¡Buen Provecho!

Enjoy the Holidays: Preparing Healthy and Safe Meals!

Special holiday series – Blog 4 of 5

Looking for a tasty vegetable for your holiday menu? USDA Under Secretary for Food Safety and I are happy to help! We are providing low-cost holiday recipes with simple food safety tips to help you prepare healthy and safe holiday meals. So far we’ve posted turkey, stuffing and sweet potato recipes. Today we’re featuring a delicious Green Bean Sauté recipe kids will surely love.  Make sure to look for our blog tomorrow which will feature our final recipe—Crunchy Pumpkin Pie. Bon Appetite!!

Tweet with Us before You Gobble! Join USDA for a Thanksgiving Food Safety Twitter Chat

Tomorrow, November 22, celebrity chef Ingrid Hoffman (known for her show, Simply Delicioso) will be joining USDA’s Meat and Poultry Hotline and a Food and Drug Administration food safety advisor to ease concerns for anyone hosting a Thanksgiving meal. Still haven’t bought your turkey and wondering what size to buy? Is your turkey still frozen, though your recipe calls for thawing? You don’t trust your brother-in-law to fry a bird properly? We have the solutions to these and more!

Log in to Twitter tomorrow from 1 pm to 2 pm EST, and include the hashtag #trkytips as you tweet your Thanksgiving food safety questions. @FoodSafetygov will select questions from the audience so that the chat covers a range of topics, and the panel of experts will respond via @USDAFoodSafety. If you do not have a specific question, just follow the hashtag to see what advice they send to other tweeps. Over the past 25 years, the Meat and Poultry Hotline truly has heard it all when it comes to Thanksgiving conundrums, and for one hour they will have Ingrid’s and the FDA’s extra support.

Enjoy the Holidays: Preparing Healthy and Safe Meals!

Special holiday series – Blog 3 of 5

Starting to plan your holiday menu? USDA Under Secretary for Food Safety Dr. Elisabeth Hagen and I want to help. This week we are providing low-cost holiday recipes that incorporate simple food safety tips to help you prepare healthy and safe holiday meals. So far, we’ve posted delicious turkey and stuffing recipes. Today we’re featuring a Baked Apples and Sweet Potatoes recipe, which will make a great side dish for any occasion. Make sure to look for our next blog which will feature another low-cost, easy to prepare –recipe—Green Bean Sauté.  Enjoy!!