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Give Yourself a Hand!

“Clean vs. dirty” is a concept that seems easy enough to understand. You know your jeans are dirty when they get grass stains on them, because you can easily see the stains. Seeing bacteria on your food is a different story. All foodborne bacteria are microscopic and can’t be seen with the naked eye, making it difficult to know if your foods have been cross-contaminated. Bacteria may come into contact with our foods from contaminated cooking equipment, utensils and even our hands. According to the 2016 FDA Food Safety Survey (PDF, 530 KB) Americans are doing well to prevent cross contamination from some common sources, but not all.

Oh, the Places You’ll Go – With Food Safety!

“Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away!”

Welcome to yet another rendition of the infamous Dr. Seuss tale that you’ve probably heard at your graduation ceremonies and from family and friends. By the time I graduated college, I could basically recite this genius rhyme with my eyes closed. But how could you not?! It’s witty, inspiring, and the perfect gift to any graduate!

Food Safety Tips during Ramadan

Ramadan is observed by more than 1 billion Muslims around the world. This holy month is a time of fasting and prayer for the followers of Islam, who abstain from food and drink each day from dawn until dusk. The end of Ramadan is marked with a celebration known as Eid al-Fitr, which stands for “breaking of the fast.” The celebration involves lavish dinners, which include delicacies and large dishes of lamb, chicken, omelets and salads.

The Best Bridal Shower Favor: Food Safety

Planning the perfect bridal shower can be stressful. Endless days and nights searching for the perfect games, favors and food can cause some things to fall through the cracks. Safe food handling shouldn’t be one of those things. Good planning always helps ease the mind, so follow our food safety advice to compliment your bridal shower food station and mark this item as done on your to-do list.

Keep Your Easter Ham and Eggs Pathogen-Free This Year

If you’re reading this blog, chances are, you enjoy eating ham. After a day of hunting for eggs and chasing the kids around the yard on Easter, it’s time for the family to enjoy that delicious ham they have been waiting for.

Time Management: The Key to a Food Safe Holiday

The holiday season is a prized time; it’s that festive season that seems to be here before you know it, and you wonder how you will find the time to do everything you need to do to celebrate properly with family and friends. The holidays are also when we share favorite, treasured foods with our loved ones.

Countdown to Thanksgiving

The holiday countdown has begun.  In only a few weeks the holiday season begins, so now is the time to start thinking about Thanksgiving. USDA’s Meat and Poultry Hotline is ready to assist by offering some sure-fire ways to beat the clock to ensure a safe and delicious holiday dinner.

Going Ham for the Holidays

‘Tis the season for ham! If you’re a ham fan, this one’s for you. In addition to Easter, more hams are served during the winter holidays than any other time of year. Just visit friends or family and you’ll likely be offered this easy-to-prepare-and-serve smoky, tangy, pink meat.

Unfortunately, it is easy to contract a foodborne illness if you eat ham left out too long at room temperature or from other mishandling practices. USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is recommending the following ham handling tips to keep guests and hosts safe at holiday gatherings.

Jamón par alas Fiestas

¡Esta es la época para el jamón! Si usted es fanático del jamón, esta es la época para usted.  Aparte del Día de Pascua, más jamones son servidos durante las fiestas de invierno que en ninguna otra época del año.  Solamente visite un familiar o amigo y probablemente le será servido este platillo tan fácil de preparar.

Desafortunadamente, es muy fácil contraer enfermedades relacionadas a los alimentos si usted come jamón que ha sido dejado a temperatura ambiente o que ha sido expuesto a otras practicas incorrectas. El Servicio de Inocuidad e Inspección de los Alimentos (FSIS por sus siglas en ingles) del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA por sus siglas en inglés) recomienda que se sigan los siguientes pasos para que tanto los anfitriones como sus invitados tenga una fiestas seguras.

What Would You do to Keep Your Food Safe During an Emergency?

September is National Preparedness Month, and USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service reminds you to plan ahead in order to keep your food safe just in case you encounter hurricanes, flooding, fires, power outages or other emergencies that threaten storage conditions.

On any given day, maintaining the proper temperature and sanitation of food storage areas should prevent bacterial growth and keep your food safe to eat.  However, severe weather and other emergencies can compromise these conditions.

Knowing what to do during emergencies can minimize the need to throw away food and the risk of getting sick.  You and your family should have an emergency plan in place that includes food and water safety precautionsYou might find  "A Consumer's Guide to Food Safety: Severe Storms and Hurricanes"  helpful as you can print it out and use it as a guide on what to do during a power outage.  You also can get timely food safety information relevant to a particular state or territory on Twitter by following @XX_FSISAlert.  Just replace the XX with each state or territory's postal abbreviation.