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Thanks for Making the #AskUSDA School Meals Chat a Success!

August 29, 2012 at 5:42 PM

Today I hosted my very first twitter chat.  Seeing all the conversations fly by in real-time on Tweetdeck was overwhelming at first but I quickly got the hang of it.  I was happy to see so many tweeters send questions to our @USDA Twitter account for me to answer. I really hope that the chat was informative and interesting to all of you who participated.  It certainly was for me!

As a mom, grandmother and someone who spent many valuable years working in schools, I understand—first-hand—the great feedback that people provided. There are challenges in meeting the needs of growing children, and I believe the improvements we’ve made to school meals will go a long way toward meeting those challenges. I’m proud of what we’ve been able to do so far.

If you didn’t participate in the chat today don’t worry—there will be a lot more opportunities to connect with us. In fact, you should check back here on the USDA blog in the coming days, as we’ll be sharing more insights, information and resources based upon your comments and requests from the Twitter chat. We’ll also be doing a series of blog posts over the next few weeks to talk more about the great improvements USDA has made to school meals.

This is really just the beginning of what we’re doing to help you understand how the school day just got healthier. I’m looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts as we go along. To find out more about what USDA is doing to make the school day healthier please visit our Healthier School Day web site.

The school day just got healthier! For more information on changes to school meals this school year, be sure to stop by our website at And for a full transcript of the Healthier School Day Virtual Office Hours, be sure to visit USDA's Storify page!


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