- USDA News and Reports
- USDA Seeks Members for Federal Advisory Committee for Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production | USDA
- USDA Announces Inaugural Federal Advisory Committee on Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production
- USDA Seeks Public Comment on a New Provision to Provide Assistance to Agriculture Producers Who Have Experienced Discrimination
- USDA National Agriculture Library – Urban Agriculture
- USDA Climate Hubs – Urban Agriculture
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- Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production
- Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production Grants
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- Advisory Committee Reports
The Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production Advisory Committee (UAIPAC) finalized their first report in November 2023. The report includes 14 actionable recommendations for the USDA Secretary of Agriculture to consider for implementation and improvements to policies, programs, practices and systems that impact urban and innovative producers nationwide. The report is a direct acknowledgement of the 2018 Farm Bill establishment of the Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production and example of how the USDA is extending support and building frameworks to support urban agriculture and innovative production.