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Showing: 9201 - 9210 of 12274 Results

Guiding the "Quiet Force" of Rural Development


USDA's new Under Secretary for Rural Development says her mission area is perhaps a quiet one regarding the breath and scope of rural economic and community development it supports. Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Rural Development Under Secretary Xochilt Torres Small

Weekly Features

Actuality: President Biden on AIM for Climate


President Joe Biden discusses the Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate - AIM for Climate - co-led by the U.S. and launched Tuesday at the COP 26 United Nations Climate Change Summit.

Daily Newsline

Growing Support for Innovations in Wood Products and Wood Energy


U.S. Forest Service resources support research and development of wood-based products, including grant programs now available for application. Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Brian Brashaw of the U.S. Forest Service

Weekly Features

Cooler Weather Good for Pest Control, Not so Good for Winter Wheat


The cooler weather expected in many areas of the country will be good for pest control efforts, but not so good for winter wheat. (Stephanie Ho and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

Daily Newsline

For Cooking Beginners, and Experts, Planning is More than Half the Battle


The most common mistake that home cooking beginners make is made before the actual cooking begins. Gary Crawford boils it down in this report. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Lisa Martin with Kansas State University Extension. Plus, Larry, Moe and Curly.

Weekly Features

Cooler Weather Will End the Midwest Growing Season


Cooler weather will end the growing season in the Midwest. (Stephanie Ho and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

Daily Newsline

The Holiday Shopping Rush Is Already Happening.


Amidst news about possible shortages of popular gift items, holiday shoppers are starting earlier than ever. Gary Crawford has more. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Matt Shay, CEO of the National Retail Federation. Elizabeth Kiss, Kansas State University Extension family finance expert.

Weekly Features

Mild October Transitions to Chilly November


A very mild October is transitioning to a more typically chilly November. (Stephanie Ho and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

Daily Newsline

Teamwork Seen as Key to Improving Western Water Supply Situation.


Efforts to increase drought resiliency and water use efficiency in the West are getting a boost. Gary Crawford has more. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. Astor Boozer, Western Regional Conservationist with USDA's Natural Resources...

Weekly Features

Many Places Set Records for Warmest October on Record


Many areas in the country set records for the warmest October on record.(Stephanie Ho and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

Daily Newsline


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