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Showing: 8911 - 8920 of 12631 Results

An Early Food Price Prediction for 2022


Will this year bring a change in the upward spiral of retail food prices? (Gary Crawford and USDA economist, Matt MacLachlan)

Daily Newsline

Can Agricultural Sustainability Be Cost Effective?


This year, USDA's Agricultural Outook Forum will focus on innovative ways that pursuing sustainable practices can benefit farm operations -- especially when it comes to rising costs. Stephanie Ho has the story. PARTICIPANTS: Stephanie Ho. World Ag Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski. Bruce...

Weekly Features

Actuality: USDA's Latest Food Price Forecast for 2022


Matt MacLachlan, USDA economist, giving the new USDA 2022 food price forecast, starting with the expected increase for all types of food taken together.

Daily Newsline

Collaboration Between Climate Hubs and Cooperative Extension


Funding was recently granted to new partnerships between USDA Climate Hubs and local Cooperative Extension in regional projects aimed at climate-based research and education. Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and National Institute of Food and Agriculture Director Carrie Castille

Weekly Features

Actuality: Prices for Beef Expected to Rise in 2022


Matt MacLachlan, USDA economist, with a look at the trends in retail beef prices.

Daily Newsline

(Repeated by Unpopular Demand) Wild Football---Wild Weather


Some of the NFL playoff games so far have been played in fairly decent weather, unlike some wild games of the past. Gary Crawford has more. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Brad Rippey, USDA meteorologist. Also former Packers running back, Chuck Mercein. Former Miami Dolphins coach, Don Shula.

Weekly Features

Actuality: Eating Out Could Cost Significantly More this Year


Matt MacLachlan, USDA economist, says if you eat out this year, look for those food prices at restaurants to be several percentage points higher than in 2021.

Daily Newsline

Poultry Industry on High Alert for Avian Influenza


With highly pathogenic avian influenza being found in wild birds in the U.S., poultry producers are on high alert. Gary Crawford has more. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Dr. Julianna Lenoch and Dr. Jack Shere, both with USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

Weekly Features

Drought Continues to Negatively Impact US Wheat.


Drought has continued to negatively impact US wheat -- both spring and winter. (Stephanie Ho and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

Daily Newsline

Never Too Early to Speculate on Upcoming Spring Plantings


In the battle for acres which crop is likely to come out on top this spring? Gary Crawford has this report. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and USDA Chief Economist Seth Meyer.

Weekly Features


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