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Showing: 5371 - 5380 of 12496 Results

A New Investment To Protect Communities from Wildfires


The Administration has just announced some new investments to help communities reduce the risk from wildfires. (Garr Crawford. Vice President Kamala Harris. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack)

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Some Community Wildfire Defense Grant Program Projects


Vice President Kamala Harris describes a few of the projects chosen for the new Community Wildfire Defense Grant Program.

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Vilsack Describes the Community Wildfire Defense Grant Program.


Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack describing the Community Wildfire Defense Grant Program.

Daily Newsline

Actuality: New Grant Program Just One Part of Wildfire Strategy


Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack saying the new grant program is just one part of an overall wildfire strategy.

Daily Newsline

Higher Cattle Prices Projected for the Rest of the Year.


As cattle inventories dwindle, cattle price projections continue to climb. (Gary Crawford and USDA livestock analyst, Shayle Shagam)

Daily Newsline

Projections on Producer Economic Possibilities with New Farm Bill


A recent study looks at how producers might do from an economic standpoint over the life of a new Farm Bill. (Rod Bain and Texas A and M Extension economist Joe Outlaw)

Daily Newsline

Supporting Urban Compost and Food Waste Reduction Efforts


Project applications are now being accepted for the latest round of funding within USDA’s Compost and Food Waste Reduction program. (Rod Bain and Brian Guse of the Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production)

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Compost/Food Waste Reduction Program'Funding Opportunity


Brian Guse of the Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production discusses the latest funding application process for a program supporting composting and food waste reduction.

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Examples of Compost and Food Waste Reduction Program Projects


Brian Guse of the Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production shares examples of projects previously awarded funding under USDA's Compost and Food Waste Reduction Program.

Daily Newsline

USDA Investing in Risk Management Education for Farmers/Ranchers


USDA is investing in bringing risk management education and training to more farmers and ranchers. (Gary Crawford and USDA Risk Management Agency Administrator Marcia Bunger)

Daily Newsline


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