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Showing: 4851 - 4860 of 12473 Results

What Food Safety Rule Do Outdoor Grillers Break the Most?


Outdoor grillers follow most of the recommended food safety rules, but often ignore one crucial rule. Gary Crawford has more. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Meredith Carothers, food safety expert with USDA's Meat and Poultry Hotline. ****Broadcasters: The USDA's Meat and Poultry Hotline number is 888...

Weekly Features

White House Rolls Out PACE and New ERA Programs


Stakeholders in two new rural clean energy programs were in attendance for the formal announcement ceremony Tuesday at the White House. (Rod Bain. Rural Utilities Service Administrator Andy Berke. Secretary Tom Vilsack)

Daily Newsline

USDA Announces Creation of 12 Regional Food Business Centers


USDA is creating 12 food business centers to help boost local and regional food systems. Gary Crawford has more. PARTICIPANTS" Gary Crawford. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown. Debbie Phillips, CEO of Rural Action in Southwest Ohio.

Weekly Features

Corn Growers May Have a Huge Amount of Crop to Market This Season


The world's corn growers may end up with a huge of amount of product to market during this coming marketing year. (Gary Crawford and USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski)

Daily Newsline

Nominee Notes Aspects of Deputy Ag Secretary Position


The nominee for the Agriculture Department's Deputy Secretary position offered her vision of the position during her recent Senate Ag Committee confirmation hearing. Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Under Secretary for Rural Development Xochitl Torres Small

Weekly Features

Actuality: Corn "Stocks-to-Use Ratio" Forecast Shows More Stocks than Use


USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski explains USDA's new corn stocks-to-use ratio forecast.

Daily Newsline

U.S. Wheat Facing a Tough Export Market Situation


U.S. wheat continues to battle drought. Experts say the crop will battle a tough export market as well. Gary Crawford has more. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. USDA Chief Economist Seth Meyer. USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski.

Weekly Features

Record World Wheat Supplies Could Limit U.S. Exports and Prices


Large world wheat supplies could dampen U.S. wheat exports and put downward pressure on U.S. prices. (Gary Crawford and USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski)

Daily Newsline

Finding Out More About Federal Milk Marketing Orders


How do Federal Milk Marketing Orders work, and how are changes allowed to these industry supported agreements? Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Agricultural Marketing Service Associate Administrator Melissa Bailey

Weekly Features

Actuality: USDA's U.S. Wheat Price Forecast for the New Marketing Year


USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski with the new USDA wheat price forecast.

Daily Newsline


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