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Showing: 3251 - 3260 of 12473 Results

Optimism about the Future of the Christmas Tree Industry


Ten to fifteen years ago Christmas tree growers were worried about the long term future of their industry. Today that worry is changing into optimism. (Gary Crawford. Tim O'Connor, Executive Director of the National Christmas Tree Association, and some Christmas tree buyers)

Daily Newsline

Mapping a Path to a Potential Ag Career


A pilot program involving UDSA’s Foreign Agricultural Service and the U.S. Agency for International Development is providing Tanzanian youth an opportunity to apply learned geomapping skills to agriculture, and in turn, potential opportunities in ag based career. Rod Bain looks at this pilot...

Weekly Features

The Lights are On for USDA Holiday Tree


The Agriculture Department's Patio now has lighted and on display its 2023 holiday tree. (Rod Bain. Secretary Tom Vilsack. Ethan Reese.)

Daily Newsline

A New USDA Food Price Forecast for 2023


How much more than last year will shoppers end up paying for food this year? The USDA has a new forecast. Gary Crawford has the story. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and USDA economist, Megan Sweitzer

Weekly Features

Signs of Winter over the Past Week


Even with meteorological Winter set to begin Friday, there have been signs of winter weather in parts of the country throughout the Thanksgiving holiday period. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey)

Daily Newsline

An Optimistic 2024 Food Price Forecast


What sort of food price inflation situation will shoppers see in 2024? Gary Crawford has the latest forecast from an expert. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and USDA economist, Megan Sweitzer

Weekly Features

Actuality: Recent Warm Spell and Contrasting Cold Outbreak


USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey explains how warmer than normal weather this fall has contributed to the feel of a recent string of cold outbreaks in parts of the country.

Daily Newsline

"Mindful" Eating Can Help Prevent Holiday Weight Gain


Want to prevent holiday weight gain? One expert has an unusual way to do that. Gary Crawford has more. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Sharolyn Jackson with Kansas State University Extension.

Weekly Features

Actuality: Areas of Cold Outbreak This Week


Brad Rippey, USDA meteorologist, talking about some areas that have seen some cold temperatures.

Daily Newsline

How to Safely Ship or Receive Perishable Holiday Foods


There's still plenty of time to send or receive holiday gifts of perishable foods. An expert has tips on how to do that safely. Gary Crawford has more. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Meredith Carothers of USDA's Meat and Poultry Hotline. A famous cartoon bird. ****Broadcasters: The USDA's Meat and...

Weekly Features


One central entry point for you to access information and help from USDA.