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Showing: 7201 - 7210 of 8105 Results

New Purchase Program Helps Local Family Achieve Dream of Homeownership

November 24, 2010 Kelly Edwards, Wisconsin USDA Rural Development Public Information Officer

The Yorgey family was tired of moving from place to place and watching their money constantly going towards rent payments. They wanted to be able to have a permanent place of their own for their growing family to live. But, the idea of that actually coming true seemed like a distant dream. Thanks to...


USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service Inspector Relays Food Safety Messages Across Borders from Montana to Georgia

November 23, 2010 Zoltan Toth, Import Meat Inspector for USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, Sweet Grass, Montana

Several months ago, I was selected to participate in a meat processing project that took me from Great Falls, Montana to Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. I went under the auspices of the Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs (CNFA) – an organization supported by USAID – to offer advice on the methods...

Health and Safety

Invernaderos Aumentan el Ingreso Agrícola

November 23, 2010 Jennifer Martin, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Esta publicación es parte de la serie Martes de la Ciencia que es parte de los blogs del USDA. Visitanos cada semana ya que compartiremos historias y noticias que son parte del rico portafolio de ciencia e investigación dle USDA

Spanish Research and Science

Countdown to Thanksgiving: Cooking the Turkey

November 23, 2010 Diane Van, Manager, USDA's Meat and Poultry Hotline

Cross-posted from the blog. November is the busiest month of the year for those of us on the USDA Meat & Poultry Hotline. During the week of Thanksgiving, we get lots of questions about how to safely cook a turkey. Here are answers to the questions we hear most often.

Health and Safety

Hoophouses Increase Farm Income

November 23, 2010 Jennifer Martin, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from the USDA’s rich science and research portfolio.

Research and Science

“World Class Treasure” video series on the Tongass National Forest

November 23, 2010 Phil Sammon, US Forest Service public affairs

Mention to anyone that you traveled to or lived in Alaska, and they are immediately drawn to you with questions and curiosity. Even today Alaska embodies the pioneer spirit that drove generations of Americans to explore, tame and settle our great nation. The USDA Forest Service anticipates that type...


USDA y Cooperativas Juegan un Papel en Ayudar a Residentes de Áreas Rurales a Reducir los Costos de Energía

November 23, 2010 Scott Gates, Managing Editor, Solutions News Bulletin, National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp.

A principios de este mes, el Vice Presidente Joe Biden anunció la iniciativa “ Recovery Through Retrofit” la cual busca lograr una mayor eficiencia energética en los hogares a través de la nación. Como parte de los esfuerzos, el Departamento de Energía de los Estados Unidos (DOE, por sus siglas en...


In Chicago, Chefs Move to Model School

November 22, 2010 Alan Shannon, USDA Food & Nutrition Service, Midwest Region

When Chicago heard about First Lady Michelle Obama’s effort to match chefs with schools, the city popped! Inspired by a unique partnership between locally-based Healthy Schools Campaign and Chicago Public Schools, the city saw an impressive number of Second City chefs sign up to participate in the...

Food and Nutrition Initiatives

Conservation Partnership Helps Family Farm Thrive

November 22, 2010 Kip Kolesinskas, State Soil Scientist, Connecticut, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Allen and Becky Clark have been farming for 17 years. When they started their small business, they grew flowers, pumpkins and corn stalks. Four years ago, they began raising goats for milk and cheese and eventually started making soap as well. The Clarks had long wanted to expand their farm but...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Farming

USDA Partnering for Wild Rice Restoration in Wisconsin

November 22, 2010 Robert Willging, WS District Supervisor, Rhinelander, WI

When summertime begins to transition to autumn in northern Wisconsin, towards the end of August and early September, Native Americans wait with anticipation for the Wild Rice Moon, the sign it is harvest time for the grain of such cultural importance to local tribes.

Animals Plants


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