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Showing: 7151 - 7160 of 8105 Results

FSA Provides Help to Kewa Pueblo Destroyed by New Mexico Storms

December 10, 2010 Tanya Brown, USDA Farm Service Agency

Farmers and ranchers from Kewa Pueblo affected by three major storms this past summer received much needed information on Farm Service Agency programs from the staff of New Mexico’s FSA. A workshop was held last month to provide information and answer questions from producers who lost their crops...


Giving: The true spirit of Christmas

December 10, 2010 Phil Sammon, US Forest Service public affairs office

Do you have any idea how many ornaments it takes to decorate a 67-foot-tall Christmas tree? Do you ever count your ornaments? For this year’s Capitol Christmas Tree Wyoming did.


Nos Unimos con La Raza para Promover la Nutrición Hispana

December 10, 2010 Lisa Pino, Deputy Administrator for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Como Administradora Diputada del Programa SNAP, tuve el gran honor de acompañar a nuestro socio, el Consejo Nacional de La Raza (CNLR), a líderes comunitarios, familias y a un representante de la campaña ¡Vamos a Movernos! ( Let´s Move!) de la Primera Dama durante una conferencia de prensa para...

Spanish Food and Nutrition Initiatives

Hillside Farmers Co-op Awarded Grant to Develop Latino-Owned Poultry Production

December 10, 2010 Adam Czech, Public Information Coordinator, Minnesota Rural Development

The Hillside Farmers Co-op has some big goals for Latino farmers in southeastern Minnesota. With the help of a Small, Socially Disadvantaged Producer Grant (SSDPG) from USDA’s Rural Development, Hillside Farmers Co-op has taken another step toward reaching some of those goals.

Food and Nutrition Farming Rural

Partnering with the National Council of LaRaza on Good Nutrition

December 10, 2010 Lisa Pino, Deputy Administrator for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

As Deputy Administrator for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), I was honored to join our partner, the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), community leaders, families and a representative from the First Lady’s Let’s Move! initiative at a press briefing to promote promising...

Food and Nutrition Initiatives

Secretary Vilsack Announces New Steps to Address Climate Change

December 09, 2010 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

Earlier today it was my privilege to address those attending the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico. Climate change is one of the greatest threats facing our planet, and the United States is taking significant action to meet this challenge. Under President Obama’s leadership...

Integrating Climate Change Issues in Forest Management

December 09, 2010 Sarah Goldfarb; US State Deptartment

Cross-posted from the US State Department Blog from the 16th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-16) in Cancun, Mexico Addressing the climate challenge requires advancing policies and partnerships that span a number of initiatives, including...


NRCS Wetlands Reserve Program Aids in the Recovery of Louisiana Black Bear Habitat

December 09, 2010 Kristen Lemoine and John Pitre, NRCS Louisiana

The Louisiana black bear was once abundant in the Mississippi River Delta. But by the 1950s, the population was severely diminished in Louisiana, mainly due to habitat loss. Luckily, a voluntary land conservation program offered by USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is helping this...


Secretary Tom Vilsack Speaking Today at Climate Change Conference

December 09, 2010 Brenda Chapin, Office of the Chief Economist

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack is speaking today at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico, at 2:30 p.m. EST. He will be addressing actions that USDA is taking to strengthen the role of agriculture and forestry in helping to address climate change. The Secretary will...

Food For Thought Initiative Improving Nutrition and Fighting Hunger

December 08, 2010 Kevin Concannon, Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services, USDA

There was plenty of warmth and goodwill keeping a bitterly cold Washington morning at bay as I joined the folks at Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit organization behind Sesame Street, at today’s rollout of their Food for Thought : Eating Well on a Budget, multi-media outreach initiative. The...

Food and Nutrition Initiatives


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