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Showing: 6541 - 6550 of 8107 Results

Real Men Cook for Kids—on Father’s Day and Year-Round!

June 17, 2011 Alan Shannon, Public Affairs Director, USDA Food and Nutrition Service Midwest Region

Cross-posted from the Let's Move blog. Last Father’s Day, President Obama challenged American fathers to take time for their children. He has said that being a father to his two daughters is the most important job he has. In Chicago, one organization of talented fathers is rising to that challenge...


My Plate Made Your Way

June 17, 2011 Taylor Wiggins, USDA Intern, Office of Communications

Since the launch of My Plate, the United States Department of Agriculture’s new food icon, photos of your interpretation of a perfect plate have been filling our twitter feeds. Many of you have captured pictures of your healthy meal and posted these photos to twitter followed by the hashtag #MyPlate...

Food and Nutrition

U.S. Bovine Genetics Help Increase Milk Production in Rwanda

June 17, 2011 Katie Gorscak, Public Affairs Specialist, Foreign Agricultural Service

Many countries around the world face challenges when it comes to milk production, particularly in Africa. Over the years, USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service has helped to address this issue through education exchange programs, benefiting farmers around the world. Rwanda is among the lowest milk...


Ninety one-Year-Old Kansas Woman Receives Assistance from Rural Development to Repair her Home

June 17, 2011 prhee

Submitted by Jessica Bowser, USDA Kansas Public Information Coordinator What makes a house a home? That answer can vary, depending on who you ask, but to one Kansan it’s much more than the furnishings or the structure that makes her house a home. Sarah Heckel of Hiawatha, Kansas, has lived in her...


USDA Announces Streamlining of Program to Improve Water Quality in Alaska Rural Villages

June 16, 2011 James R. Nordlund, Alaska USDA Rural Development State Director

Yesterday, USDA Rural Development in the State of Alaska hosted the official signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Rural Alaska Village grant (RAVG) program partners. The MOU partners, which include the State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (SOA DEC), Alaska Native...


Let’s Move! Across Missouri

June 16, 2011 Marissa Duswalt, Let’s Move Faith and Communities, Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

Anyone can be healthy “if you eat right and try to get moving,” said a young participant in Move Across Missouri, a program developed in partnership with University of Missouri Extension 4-H and the Missouri Beef Industry Council. Move Across Missouri encourages 4-Hers to increase their physical...

Food and Nutrition Initiatives

In Arizona, Rural Development Housing Programs Provide a Stable Environment for Families

June 16, 2011 Ernie Wetherbee, Acting Arizona Rural Development State Director

The parents were leery about another rental, fearing having to move yet again. Rather serendipitously, the mother saw information on line about USDA Rural Development housing programs. She made a call that changed their lives. As it turned out, the house that they eventually found and qualified for...


APHIS Administrator Dr. Gregory Parham, a Second Generation Veterinarian, Reflects on World Veterinary Year 2011

June 16, 2011 Dr. Gregory Parham, APHIS Administrator

I’m Dr. Gregory Parham and I’m the Administrator of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). As a proud member of the veterinary profession, I’m happy to share with you that 2011 has been declared World Veterinary Year in honor of the 250 th anniversary of the founding of the first...

Animals Plants

Administrator Judith Canales Speaks To Graduating Class of Texas A&M International University

June 15, 2011 USDA Rural Development Administrator Judith A. Canales

As Administrator for the U.S. Department of Agriculture- Rural Development’s Business and Cooperative Programs, I travel throughout the country, promoting the President’s and Secretary’s vision of revitalizing rural America. Of the many talks that I have given this year, one of the most exciting and...

Initiatives Rural

U.S. Forest Service Receives EPA Clean Air Excellence Award in Technology Transfer Effort

June 15, 2011 Robert Hudson Westover, Public Affairs Specialist, USDA Forest Service

The prestigious EPA clean air award acknowledges the Placer County Air Pollution Control District, the US Forest Service and Sierra Pacific Industries who have teamed to implement projects designed to cost effectively manage portions of the 550,000 acres of forested lands that are at severe risk for...



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