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Showing: 5991 - 6000 of 8106 Results

National Organic Program Reexamines Strategies

November 16, 2011 Miles McEvoy, Director of the National Organic Program

Positive brand recognition—having a brand the buyer can trust—is the cornerstone of marketing success. The same applies to USDA and, more specifically, the USDA organic seal. Since its origination in 2000, the green and white seal for certified organic products has become one of the world’s most...

Food and Nutrition

Disfrute los Días Festivos: Prepare Comidas Inocuas y Saludables

November 16, 2011 Dra. Elisabeth Hagen, subsecretaria del Servicio de Inocuidad e Inspección de Alimentos del USDA, y la Dra. Janey Thornton, subsecretaria comisionada de Alimentos, Nutrición y Servicio al Consumidor del USDA.

Serie especial para los días festivos- 1er blog de 5 Mientras esperamos con ansias el compartir con amigos y familiares, e iniciar nuevas memorias al preparar juntos los platos festivos, todos anhelamos servir una buena comida y hacerlo de una manera sana. Definitivamente queremos evitar el riesgo...

Spanish Food and Nutrition Health and Safety

Enjoy the Holidays: Preparing Healthy and Safe Meals!

November 16, 2011 Dr. Elisabeth Hagen, USDA Under Secretary for Food Safety and Inspection Service and
Dr. Janey Thornton, USDA Deputy Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services

Special holiday series – Blog 1 of 5 As we look forward to spending the holidays with friends and family and making meals and memories together, we all want to put good food on the table and do it safely. We especially want to keep the threat of food poisoning at bay. Over the next few days, we will...

Food and Nutrition Health and Safety

Taiwan Hungry for U.S. Wheat Products

November 16, 2011 Christian Foster, Deputy Administrator, Office of Trade Programs, Foreign Agricultural Service

Earlier today in Vietnam, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that USDA’s market development programs are investing roughly $213 million in more than 70 U.S. agricultural organizations to help expand commercial export markets for their goods. Consumers in the Asia Pacific, said the Secretary...


An Old Adversary Becomes a New Friend

November 16, 2011 Katie Isacksen, Willamette National Forest, U.S. Forest Service

Oregon Wild works on wilderness protection, listing of indicator species, and protecting old-growth stands through legislative and administrates campaigns. They interact with the Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service agencies located in Oregon to reduce the old-growth logged and increase the...


Anaerobic Digesters Are the Sweet Smell of Success

November 16, 2011 Rey Adame, NRCS New Mexico

New Mexico is one of several states to participate in building anaerobic digesters, which use manure as fuel to create energy. The goal is to construct them over a four-year period, through USDA’s Rural Development, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and Farm Service Agency (FSA). On...

Conservation Energy

Champions of Change: Make it in America

November 16, 2011 Liz Purchia, Deputy Press Secretary, USDA

Recently, the White House held a panel inviting leaders from across the country to participate in a discussion focused on how businesses and companies “ Make it in America.” These Champions were recognized for their work in helping to create high-quality jobs in the United States. They are the...

USDA Results

From Seed to Harvest: Supporting the Next Generation of Leaders to Reduce Global Hunger

November 15, 2011 Matt Herrick, Office of Communications

In mid October, 40 Borlaug Fellows from 21 countries as far away as Azerbaijan and Zambia were in Des Moines, Iowa, to attend the Borlaug International Symposium and World Food Prize ceremony. These Fellows are part of the Norman E. Borlaug Agricultural Science and Technology Fellows Program...

Food and Nutrition Trade

Southern Pine Beetle: One Million Acres Protected, One Acre at a Time

November 15, 2011 Zoë Hoyle, U.S. Forest Service, Southern Research Station

Miles Cary Johnston lives in the rolling countryside east of Richmond, Va., on land that’s been owned by his family for more than 12 generations. His acreage in New Kent County stretches down to the Pamunkey River and includes open fields, mixed hardwood forests and 16 acres of pine he planted for...


Aniin niije (Hello Friend) – Cultural Sharing and Meal Kicks Off Native American Celebration Month

November 15, 2011 Tammi Schone, Public Affairs Specialist, South Dakota Rural Development

South Dakota staff held a “kick-off” for Native American Heritage Month in early November with opening comments provided by State Director Meeks sharing a PowerPoint – 5 minutes 500 years – with statistical information gathered by the National Congress of American Indians, an Indian Taco meal, and...



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