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Showing: 5921 - 5930 of 8106 Results

Dr. Terry Morris on World Veterinary Year

December 08, 2011 Dr. Terry Morris, APHIS Veterinary Regulatory Support, Riverdale, MD

Hello, I’m Dr. Terry Morris, a veterinarian with USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Veterinary Regulatory Support (VRS) staff, where I’m currently the acting Assistant Director. I’m responsible for managing VRS’ 17 Agriculture Quarantine Inspection Veterinary Medical Officers...

Animals Plants

Christmas Tree Cutters: Make Sure Safety is on your List this Year

December 08, 2011 Deidra L. McGee, Forest Service Office of Communication

During this holiday season, tree cutters are looking for the perfect, pristine Christmas tree as they trek through our national forests as part of their holiday tradition. However, the Forest Service would like to remind those tree cutters to put safety first on their lists this year.


Oregon Forest Home for World’s Tallest Living Pine Tree

December 08, 2011 Keith Riggs, Office of Communication, U.S. Forest Service

The ponderosa pine is fairly easy to identify. The orange-hued checked bark is well known to westerners. What might not be as well known though is that these native trees can grow to sizes rivaling giant redwoods.


USDA 2012 Agricultural Outlook Forum: Two Sessions Focus on International Trade

December 07, 2011 Brenda Chapin, OCE

USDA’s 2012 Agricultural Outlook Forum, Feb. 23-24, will present 25 breakout sessions, including the international trade-focused sessions: “Export Opportunities and Competition in Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC) Countries” and “Trends in Agricultural Development & Trade in the Americas.”


Capitol Christmas Tree lights Nation’s Capital

December 07, 2011 Renee Lee, U.S. Forest Service Office of Communication

About one week after its arrival to Washington, D.C., the Capitol Christmas Tree flashed its 10,000 lights and dazzled onlookers on the west front lawn of the Capitol Dec. 6.


Making the Right Connections in New Mexico

December 07, 2011 Bill Ludwig, FNS Southwest Regional Administrator

The No Kid Hungry New Mexico Campaign, an initiative of the New Mexico Collaboration to End Hunger, is gaining partners and momentum. The campaign is less than a year old, but already progress has been made on the 2011 goals: Increasing participation in the summer meals program, school breakfast...

Food and Nutrition

Scientists Saving Our World

December 06, 2011 Sandy Miller Hays, Public Affairs Specialist, USDA Agricultural Research Service Information Staff

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from the USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. In the 1920s, U.S. Navy recruiting posters exhorted young men to “Join the Navy and see the world!” If USDA’s...

Research and Science

Preventing Hunger and Protecting Taxpayers: Our Renewed Efforts to Combat SNAP Fraud

December 06, 2011 Kevin Concannon, USDA Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services

In recent years, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – formerly known as food stamps – has demonstrated an exceptional record in program integrity and stewardship of taxpayer dollars. The program currently serves as a bridge to success for over 46 million Americans who are at risk of...

Food and Nutrition

Challenge Builds Positive Relationship between Louisiana Black Farming Community and FSA

December 06, 2011 Tanya Brown, Public Affairs Specialist, Farm Service Agency

When Mike Sullivan met a 30-year-old beginning farmer, he never thought it would launch a relationship that would influence an entire African-American farming community in the Cane River region of Louisiana. “Sometimes good things can come out of a not-so-good situation,” said Sullivan, farm loan...


Wildlife Services’ Program Feeds the Hungry

December 06, 2011 Aaron Guikema, APHIS Wildlife Biologist, Raleigh, NC

USDA sponsors many great programs like the “Feds Feed Families” employee food drive, gleaning fruit from research farms, and harvesting vegetables from the People’s Gardens to provide food for the hungry. The U SDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service’s Wildlife Services (WS) program has taken...

Animals Plants


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