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Showing: 2181 - 2190 of 8105 Results

USDA Northeast Climate Hub Integrates Farmer Panel into Operational Discussions

January 05, 2016 Erin Lane, Director of University Relations, USDA Northeast Climate Hub

As the autumn leaves in the Northeast were just beginning to blanket the ground in late October, the USDA Northeast Climate Hub held its first annual –university network hosted– Partner Operational Discussions. The group convened in Annapolis, Maryland where working meetings were held at both the...

Rangeland Restoration Benefits Cattle and Prairie Chicken

January 04, 2016 Jon Ungerer, Lesser Prairie-Chicken Initiative Coordinator, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Cattle and lesser prairie-chickens both need healthy rangeland to thrive. Through voluntary conservation efforts, farmers and ranchers in the southern Great Plains can restore habitat for this iconic bird while strengthening working lands. The Lesser Prairie-Chicken Initiative (LPCI), a partnership...


China's Impacts of Slowing Growth on Trade and Agriculture in the U.S.

January 04, 2016 Neil Mikulski, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, Office of Global Analysis

International trade is a major factor in the American agricultural economy. A key player is China. In fact China’s impact on slowing growth on trade and agriculture is a session topic during the 2016 United States Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Outlook Forum. Over the last two decades...


High Five Series: Rural America is Home for the Holidays

December 31, 2015 Rural Housing Service Administrator Tony Hernandez

Oh, there’s nooooo place like hooooome for the holidays… Every time I hear that song I get an extra spring in my step knowing that I work for an organization that helped more than 160,000 families afford to buy, rent, or repair their homes this year. That’s 160,000 families in rural America that are...


Five Invasive Pests: You Can Help Stop Their Spread

December 30, 2015 APHIS Public Affairs Staff

USDA APHIS is deeply involved with mitigating invasive pest issues, along with State and local governments. Invasive pests cost the U.S. an estimated $120 billion each year in damages to our environment, agriculture, and native species. The five invasive species described here are a few of the...

Animals Plants

Five Years of Working Toward a Healthy, Hunger-Free Generation

December 30, 2015 Janna Raudenbush, Public Affairs Specialist, Food and Nutrition Service

This time of year, it often feels like time is flying by. As we take time to step back and reflect on the past, we often think, “My, my, where did the time go?” or “It feels like just yesterday…” or “How could it be almost 2016 already?” Many of us at USDA are feeling a bit nostalgic too, wondering...

Food and Nutrition

Building the Bench for Agriculture in 2015 and Beyond

December 30, 2015 USDA Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden

No matter where you're from, no matter what you look like, no matter your background, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is here for you. It has been an exciting year at USDA, filled with growth and opportunity. This year, I have traveled the country and the world to meet with farmers, ranchers and...

Conservation Food and Nutrition

Intercollegiate Meat Judging Program - Developing Future Ag Leaders

December 29, 2015 Craig A. Morris, AMS Livestock, Poultry, and Seed Program Deputy Administrator

For many years, USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), through its Livestock, Poultry, and Seed Program, has been actively involved in the Intercollegiate Meat Judging Program. The program serves as a tool to recruit and train future leaders in the meat and livestock industry. Judging is a...

Food and Nutrition

High Five: NIFA-Funded Research Improves Agriculture

December 29, 2015 Scott Elliott, NIFA Public Affairs

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. The National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) invests in agricultural sciences that turn research into action by...

Research and Science

2015: A Banner Year for School Meals and the Health of our Nation's Schoolchildren

December 29, 2015 Hans Billger, Public Affairs Specialist, Food and Nutrition Service

It’s been another outstanding year for healthier school meals programs and the millions of American students that benefit from them. Today, more than 97 percent of schools nationwide report they are meeting the updated school meal standards, which are based on pediatricians’ and nutritionists’...

Food and Nutrition


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