![The SuperTracker My Messages web page](https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/506/31259790164_3315a475c1.jpg)
Do your New Year’s resolutions include a healthier eating style and more physical activity? Whether you find inspiration from a personal challenge, or by competing with others in a group, we have the tools to keep you motivated and help you reach your goals with updated features in SuperTracker, the food and physical tracking tool from the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP).
Healthier Together: MyPlate New Year’s Challenge
Join us for the MyPlate New Year’s Challenge on SuperTracker during the month of January! All month, MyPlate will be challenging participants to focus on the MyPlate food groups and physical activity. Each week, a new food group will be added to the Challenge. Participants will use the Quick Tracker to log their foods and physical activities, and winners will be announced every Friday.
Here’s an overview of each week of the Challenge, to get you excited for what’s to come!
- Week One: Dairy and Physical Activity
- Week Two: Fruits, Dairy, and Physical Activity
- Week Three: Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy, and Physical Activity
- Week Four: Protein Foods, Vegetables, Fruit, Dairy, and Physical Activity
- Week Five: Grains, Protein Foods, Vegetables, Fruit, Dairy, and Physical Activity
Visit the Join Group page and enter the access code “MYPLATE” to join in the fun today! Members can link their email address in the SuperTracker Message Center to receive tips and encouragement along the way.
Whether you’re just starting on the path to a healthier lifestyle, or need some motivation to continue your efforts, SuperTracker has the tools and resources you need to make those resolutions stick! Visit SuperTracker.usda.gov to check out the MyPlate New Year’s Challenge. Have a happy and healthy New Year!