Contact OTR
The Office of Tribal Relations (OTR) works with all USDA Mission Areas on government-to-government relations through consultation with Tribal governments. OTR works with the Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs, the Office of General Counsel, and other key offices across USDA, including other counterparts in other Federal agencies to achieve these goals.
OTR publishes a regular newsletter on topics relevant to Indian Country. If you would like to subscribe, please provide your email to Tribal Relations Updates.
To request additional information on consultation, or assistance with other USDA issues, please contact:
Main Office: (202) 205-2249
Fax: (202) 720-1058
Mailing Address:
Room 500-A Whitten Building
Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250
Betsy Rakola, Acting Director
Administrative Team
Elena Krajeski, 771-216-2277, Administrative Officer
Ariel Williams, 202-934-8337, Administrative Assistant, general mailbox
Program Team
Jeff Harris, 202-768-0812, Program Analyst, Food, Indigenous Food Sovereignty Initiative, Research, Consultation, and Youth
Josiah Griffin, 202-720-1999, Program Analyst, Economic Development and Food Systems
Taylor Schad, 202-875-9236, Program Analyst, Forest Service and Natural Resources
Jim Wabindato, 202-805-2208, Special Advisor, Tribal Agricultural Lands
Lisa Yellow Luger, 202-845-5646, Program Analyst, Research, Education, and Economics
Tribal College and Outreach Team
Lawrence Shorty, 202-870-8035, Director, Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCU) Program
Raymond Benally, 202-360-8087, Tribal Liaison, Southwest Region
Matthew Kniskern, Tribal Liaison, Great Lakes Region
Kellen Palmer, 202-308-3684, Tribal Liaison, Central Plains Region
Ryhal Rowland, 202-280-8355, Tribal Liaison, Rocky Mountain Region