About the Office of the Chief Scientist
The Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS) provides leadership and coordination to ensure that research supported by, and scientific advice provided to the Department and external stakeholders is held to the highest standards of intellectual rigor and scientific integrity.
The OCS strives to inform policy and programmatic decisions within the Department by providing the best available scientific advice and input; establishing appropriate linkages between the USDA and other science-performing organizations in government (U.S. and abroad), academia, and industry; and ensuring the dissemination of science performed by the Department to policy makers and decision leaders across the spectrum of policy making nationally and internationally.
- Spiro Stefanou, Acting Deputy Under Secretary of Research, Education, and Economics
- Deirdra Chester, Director, Office of the Chief Scientist
- Richard Derksen, Deputy Director, Office of the Chief Scientist
- Danielle Farley, Acting Chief of Staff, Office of the Chief Scientist
Senior Staff/Advisors
- Jaime Adams, Senior Advisor for International Affairs
- Rena Bannister, Administrative Specialist
- Elizabeth Hill, USDA Honey Bee and Pollinator Research Coordinator
- William C. Trenkle, Departmental Scientific Integrity Officer (DSIO) and USDA Research Integrity Officer
- Holly Wiggins, Strategic Planning, Program Evaluation & Enterprise Risk Officer
- Paul Zankowski, Agricultural Science Advisor
- Tara Weaver-Missick, Director of Communications
- Ganjofarid Anvarzod, Visual Information Specialist
- Megan Guilfoyle, Public Affairs Specialist
Senior Advisors (Rotating)
- Alice Green, Senior Advisor for Animal Health and Zoonoses
- Melanie Abley, Senior Advisor for Food Safety, Nutrition, and Health
- Justin Bredlau, International Affairs Fellow
- Christopher Crawford, AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow
- Julie Snorek, AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow
- Aarti Arora, ORISE Data Science Fellow
- Breanne Langlois, ORISE Data Science Fellow
- BreAnna Martinez, International Affairs Fellow
- Linsey Haram, Climate Fellow
- Derecka Alexander, Veterinary Science Fellow
NAREEE Advisory Board
The National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics Advisory Board provides feedback to the Secretary of Agriculture, USDA’s science agencies and university collaborators on food and agricultural research, education, extension and economics priorities and policies.
- Kate Lewis, Executive Director, NAREEE Advisory Board
- Michele Simmons, NAREEE Executive Assistant