USDA Farmers Market

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Hours and Location
Fridays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (June 2 – September 29)
Located outside USDA Headquarters on the corner of Independence and 14th Street S.W., Washington, DC 20250.
The market is easily accessible by public transportation using Metrobus, Metrorail or Capital Bikeshare. On Metrorail: Take the Metro to the Smithsonian Station (Orange/Blue/Silver Line). The USDA Farmers Market is across the street from either Metro exit. For more public transportation options, see The Capital Bikeshare stations located near the USDA Farmers Market are Bike Stations 31248 and 31217.
VegU is a popular fruit and vegetable education program at the market that teaches shoppers how to grow, pick, prepare, and store different fruits and vegetables. Visitors can receive a "VegU-cation" by attending short 10-minute classes in the VegU tent between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.
What’s in Season?
You can check out the schedule for available produce at the market.
NOTE: The USDA Farmers Market Management Team understands the impact the COVID-19 national emergency is having on lives and businesses. Our highest priority is the well-being of our staff, vendors, patrons and community, and we want to ensure we are addressing your questions and concerns about market plans for this season. We will continue to provide updates as we receive guidance; including a new opening date.
USDA Farmers Market Events
Upcoming Events
None at this time.
Past Events
The Importance of Gleaning: Local Initiatives - Food recovery and food waste is a national problem that has heighten within the last decade. Listen to the USDA Farmers Market and Midwest Farmers Market Partners discussion on the topic of gleaning. This quarter's seminar focuses on local initiatives and the strategies and practices used to combat the food waste crisis.
Participate in the USDA Farmers Market
Step 1: Do You Qualify?
Participation in the market is for farmers and growers who sell what they grow, raise or produce on their farm, and for local producers who make products featuring agricultural foods from the Chesapeake Bay region (including the states of Delaware, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia), and preferably within a 200-mile radius of Washington, D.C.
Step 2: Read the Rules and Procedures and Operating Guidelines
All participating farmers, growers and producers must adhere to the USDA Farmers Market Rules and Procedures and Operating Guidelines (PDF, 556 KB). This document is used to ensure the integrity of all products sold.
Step 3: Apply
Once the market reopens, the application will be available for all new and returning participants. The deadline to submit the completed application and required documentation will be announced at that time.
We strongly prefer that all farmers, growers and producers apply online at ManageMyMarket. Applications will not be reviewed unless complete. Applications will not be reviewed unless complete. An application is not considered complete without the inclusion of all applicable permits for all products. Review the USDA Farmers Market Rules and Procedures and Operating Guidelines for the complete application process. If you require a paper application and/or assistance with your application at any time, please contact us at (202) 690-1300.
For additional questions, contact Toiayna Thompson, Market Manager at (202) 720-5024 or
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who manages the market?
Since 1995, USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service has operated the USDA Farmers Market at USDA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. AMS works to improve marketing opportunities for producers across the country through the combination of research, technical assistance, and grants.
- How are vendors selected?
Participation in the market is for farmers and growers who sell what they grow, raise or produce on their farm, and for local producers who make products featuring agricultural foods from the Chesapeake Bay region (including the states of Delaware, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia), and preferably within a 200-mile radius of Washington, D.C. This year, small food businesses at the market are using local ingredients (75% or greater) sourced directly from farmers and ranchers in the Chesapeake Bay region.
- Are there Sign Language Interpreters available?
Yes. Every week American Sign Language interpreters are onsite at the information tent to interpret for deaf and hard of hearing people.
- How do I find out about weekly activities and upcoming events?
For updates about the USDA Farmers Market, follow us @USDA_AMS on Twitter and Instagram and look for #USDAFarmersMkt.
- Are dogs allowed in the Market?
We are excited to welcome you and your dog but ask that they remain on leash at all times and must be friendly to people and other dogs to shop at the market.
- I'm not in Washington, DC. Where can I find a farmers market in my community?
AMS connects consumers to producers at over 8,600 farmers markets across the United States through the National Farmers Market Directory available online at