Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)

What is the Combined Federal Campaign?
The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is one of the world's largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaigns, with CFC zones throughout the country and overseas raising millions of dollars each year.
Why the CFC Matters Video
This is the high-definition version of the Why the CFC Matters Video.
Be a Changemaker
Be a Changemaker through the CFC. The mission of the CFC is to promote and support philanthropy through a program that is employee focused, cost-efficient, and effective in providing all federal employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all. The funds raised through the campaign help neighbors in need around the corner, across the nation, and throughout the world.
We all have a personal reason for giving, and when we make the choice to give through the CFC, we each hold the power in our own hands. The CFC makes it easy to honor a loved one, carry on a tradition, volunteer our skills, and so much more! Your pledge can be completed anonymously or with the release of your contact information to the charity you are supporting.
Choose a Charity
Visit the CFC Donor Pledging System to create an account and pledge (PDF, 2.4 MB) to the charities of your choice. Federal employees and retirees can pledge monetary support and volunteer time—online, with a paper pledge form, or through the CFC Giving Mobile App!

Congratulations to USDA
Pictured left to right: Ann Van Houten (CFCNCA), Keith Willingham (CFCNCA), Kurtria Watson (USDA FNS), Erika Pijai (USDA FNS), Andrea Simao (APHIS, USDA CFC Deputy Campaign Manager), Angella Watkins (USDA FNS), Robert Pitulej (FNS; USDA CFC Campaign Manager), Traci Mouw-not pictured (USDA FNS), and Vince Micone (CFCNCA) at the Awards Ceremony at the Office of Personnel Management.
USDA was recognized by the Combined Federal Campaign - National Capital Area, receiving an award in the “Best Publication or Testimonial” category for the 2022 campaign year. Featuring Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services Deputy Under Secretary Stacy Dean, this video was created to acknowledge and highlight the importance of the CFC’s Food and Nutrition causes that are in direct alignment with the USDA mission.
The team worked with FNS and USDA communications to incorporate footage from the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health, the Agency’s work with partners, and nutrition programs in action to create the video which has been viewed more than five thousand times. Congratulations to the entire team!
2022 USDA CFC Team
Campaign Manager (Food and Nutrition Service): Robert Pitulej
Deputy Campaign Manager (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service): Andrea Simao
Finance Management: Jason Van Lieu
- DA (Departmental Administration)
Departmental Administration: Taryn Levels
Office of Homeland Security: Gerardina Thatcher- FNCS (Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services)
Food and Nutrition Service
- Kurtria Watson
- Vance Parker
- Traci Mouw
- Danaeka Wilkes
- Shelly Beatty
- Betty Harvey
- Angella Watkins
- Karen Virostek
- Cherlyn Petty-Thomas
- Lenora Hayes
- Paul Neubelt
- Sue Siemietkowski
- Alexandria Wickman
- Courtney Hruska
- Ethan Fox
- Kavitha Sankavaram
- Neva Terry
- Michael Walton
- Jacqueline Pipitone
- Bridget Thurston
- Allison Sklarew
- Meredith Baker
- Kiiva Williams
- Kertrina Lewis
- Randall Dinogan
- Julie Yee
- Richard Bumpers
- Erika Pijai
- Vicky Woods
- Allison Bell
- Joe Alston
- Anna Gordon
- FS (Food Safety)
Food Safety and Inspection Service
- Melissa Moore
- Brett Filloon
- Leslie Dobie
- Stephen Houlihan
- Lorenzo Bandini
- Anant Venu
- Scott Syska
- Ann Prevas
- Jennifer Conrad
- Shaochong Zhang
- Thelma Sykes
- Jessica Carter
- Cassandra Purcell
- Robin Roth
- Shardee McCoy
- Marilu Simeone
- Beth Lehman
- Candace Myers
- Keith Komosinski
- FPAC (Farm Production and Conservation)
Farm Production & Conservation Business Center
- Monique Randolph
- Julie Gordon
Farm Service Agency
- Caleb Gildea
- Julia King
Natural Resources Conservation Service
- Matthew Vandersande
Risk Management Agency
- Brent Orr
- Connie Libera
- Headquarters/Staff Offices
OCIO (Office Of The Chief Information Officer)
- Maria Vlioras
- Judith Bruns
- Christina Hash
- Melissa Sackett
- Frank Hoeppel
- Bernadette McGhee
- Jonathan Dunham
- Islelly Castillo
OCFO (Office of the Chief Financial Officer)
- Frennie Nixon
OASCR (Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights)
- Natasha Lyles
- Chris Sacchetti
- Steve Sergon
- John Zelk
- Sederis Fields
- Kim Marcelle
OBPA (Office of Budget and Program Analysis)
- Tania Jones
- Glory Tribhuwan-Pandit
OC (Office of Communications)
- Sally Gifford
NAD (Office of Hearings and Appeals)
- Veronica Jackson
OIG (Office of Inspector General)
- Karen Collymore
- Jacqueline Childs
- Colby Rainey
- Angela Eng
- Alpha Savage
OCE (Office of the Chief Economist)
- Celia Hernandez
OGC (Office of the General Counsel)
- Adam Humphries
OSEC (Office of the Secretary)
- Maria Tinker
OPPE (Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement)
- Matthews Smith
- MRP (Marketing and Regulatory Programs)
MRP (Marketing and Regulatory Programs)
- Felipe Afanador
- Kenan Jones
Agricultural Marketing Service
- Rebecca Jaworski
- Sara Lutton
- Reedema Rock
- Kimm Sydnor
- Alex Cordova
- Spenser King
- Jacqueline Fitzgerald
- Valerie Frances
- Tabitha Bartley
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
- Roxanne Mullaney
- Calvin Shuler
- Anna Bagwell
- Germaine Whitehead
- Angela French-Bell
- Adrianne Roy
- Cristina Gouin
- Susan Lopresti
- Morella Derosa
- Will Reeves
- Jasmine Sinclair
- Mark Bills
- Alex Sanchez-Reyes
- Leslie Akinola
- Melissa Walker
- Joanne Nelson
- Toni Mitchell
- Tysana Jioia-Jones
- Niquana Montero
- Emma Cox
- Kim Dixon
- Jamine Clemonts
- Marsha Charles
- Michelle Green
- Paola Cruickshank
- Sarah Trujillo
- Joanne Adams
- NRE (Natural Resources and Environment)
Forest Service
- William (Bill) Clark
- Wilma Conyers
- Desmond Gonzales
- Richard Truex
- Victor (Vic) Scott
- Alexander Butler
- Robin Brandt
- Angela Gantuah
- James (Jim) Strid
- Margaret (Maggie) Hardy
- Teresa Jackson
- Sue Barro
- Mary Fisher
- Vicki Lankford
- Jennifer Harrington
- Shray Jackson
- Bryce Raymond
- Ericka Thomas
- Donavan Albert
- RD (Rural Development)
Rural Business Cooperative Service
- Wyetha Choice
Rural Housing Services
- Contessa Wright
Rural Utilities Service
- Tina Spielmann
- Joan Barringer
- Kenneth Hannold
- Josh Bidderman
- Rose Armstrong
- Christopher Freeman
- Tamara Hakl
- Dniqua Swindell
- James Pinsky
- Christie Hooks
- Shawanda Dennis
- Jowharah Blair
- Michelle Harris
- Sherran Nutson
- Twanisha Murphy
- Ashley Kroon
- Shelia Wright
- Pat Patterson
- Sonya Dykes
- Kristen Bastis
- REE (Research Economics and Education)
Agricultural Research Service
- Tanya Brown
- Tom Shanower
Economic Research Service
- Grace Grossen
- Bryn Swearingen
- Elizabeth Hills
National Agricultural Statistics Service
- Vanessa Damato
- Lisa Prickett
- Autumn Stone
- Melissa Fields
- Natalie Hudson
- Gloria Anderson
- Yirui Mu
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
- Rachel Dotson
- Tom Devine
- TFAA (Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs)
Foreign Agricultural Service
- Alexis Vann
U.S. Codex Office
- Maria Teresa Espinoza
Thank you
Thank you to the 2022 USDA CFC Team for their contributions and dedication to make the 2022 CFC Campaign a success!
The 2023 Combined Federal Campaign will begin in September.