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Two people working near a bin with lettuce inside the bin

U.S. Food Loss and Waste 2030 Champions

Businesses that are helping to lead U.S. efforts to reduce food loss and waste can be recognized as U.S. Food Loss and Waste 2030 Champions. These businesses and organizations have made a public commitment to reducing food loss and waste in their operations in the United States by 50 percent by the year 2030. Learn how to join this effort.

Cost-effective solutions

Businesses that reduce food loss and waste can help feed families in need and reduce the environmental burden of wasted food. They can also improve their bottom line. Many businesses achieve positive returns by reducing food loss and waste. Business resources for reducing food waste include:


Donations from businesses help to put food on the table for many Americans. A number of laws are designed to make such donations easier.

Donations and liability protection

Businesses that wish to donate food have protections under the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act. Act grants liability protections for “persons and gleaners” who make good faith donations to nonprofits for ultimate distribution to needy individuals at zero cost or at a good Samaritan reduced price. Here, the term “person” includes farmers, grocers, wholesalers, hotels, manufacturers, restaurants, caterers, and more. New amendments passed on January 5, 2023 also grant liability protections to “qualified direct donors” who donate directly to needy individuals at zero cost.  Qualified direct donors include: retail grocers, wholesalers, restaurants, caters, and more.

The information presented is not a guidance document and does not constitute legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship. 


Tax benefits

The federal government provides enhanced tax deductions to businesses (including C-corporations, S-corporations, limited liability corporations (LLCs), partnerships, and sole proprietorships) to encourage donations of fit and wholesome food to qualified nonprofits.

Learn more about donations and tax benefits.


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