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Lighten Up Your Holiday Dessert with MyPlate - MyPlate Holiday Makeover Week 6

The MyPlate Team continues to share “Makeover Monday” recipes each week on the USDA blog and the MyPlate Facebook page through January 6th.

I was first introduced to banana pudding, a traditional southern dessert, during the holidays when I moved to Virginia from North Dakota. It tasted great, but I remember leaving the dinner table with an uncomfortable, heavy feeling in my stomach. I decided to try and make the pudding lighter so that I could still enjoy it, but without the overstuffed feeling.

I must admit, I was skeptical about swapping all of the full fat ingredients for either reduced or nonfat versions. I was afraid that the taste would suffer and not resemble my favorite banana pudding recipe. Boy, was I wrong! I was surprised how good the “makeover” pudding tasted.

MyPlate Holiday 10 Tips - Make Healthier Holiday Choices

The MyPlate Team continues to share “Makeover Monday” recipes each week on the USDA blog and the MyPlate Facebook page through January 6th.

This holiday season, the nutritionists at the Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion have shared some of their favorite holiday recipes during our MyPlate Holiday Makeover Series. Today, we offer a new tip sheet, Make Healthier Holiday Choices to help you improve a few of your favorite recipes and stay healthier during this festive season.  The new tip sheet includes special ways to celebrate with family and friends such as making exercise part of the fun, enjoying all the food groups during your holiday meal, and giving some of your time to help others.

MyPlate Holiday Makeover - Week 5

The MyPlate Team continues to share “Makeover Monday” recipes each week on the USDA blog and the MyPlate Facebook page through January 6th.

We love serving cranberry sauce as a sweet side with our holiday meals -- but, traditional cranberry sauce can be a little too sweet. This year we decided to try something new – cranberry chutney.

This recipe for cranberry chutney was simple to prepare -- all the ingredients go in one pot, and cook for about 30 minutes. And, to save time during the busy holiday season, it can be made 2-3 days in advance.

Mail Order Madness: Sending and Receiving Those Food Gifts

It seems like the holidays come earlier every year. One way to reduce the stress of gift giving is to shop online or from catalogs. Food gifts are extremely popular because the recipient gets to enjoy the gift twice – first as a lovely gift, and second by serving and sharing it with family and friends.

The following food safety tips will help the purchaser and recipient determine if perishable foods they receive in the mail have been handled properly:

La Locura Por Correo: Enviando y Recibiendo los Regalos de Alimentos

Parece que los días navideños llegan más temprano cada año. Un modo de reducir la tensión de comprar regalos es hacer compras en línea o por catálogos. Los regalos de alimentos son muy populares porque el recipiente consigue disfrutar del regalo dos veces – primero como un regalo maravilloso y segundo sirviendo y compartiéndolo con familia y amigos.

Los siguientes pasos ayudarán al comprador y recipiente a determinar si la comida perecedera que ellos reciben en el correo haya sido manejada correctamente:

Giving the Gift of a Healthier Future this Holiday Season

The following OpEd was posted by Huffington Post this afternoon:

No one should go hungry in America, and certainly no child should go hungry, especially at the holidays.

We know kids who have access to proper nutrition and develop healthy habits at an early age have a competitive advantage in the classroom and later in life. Without easy access to healthy food, kids have a harder time growing up healthy, strong and ready for the workforce.

No Permitas que las Bacterias Arruinen tu Fiesta

Quienes están listos para una fiesta, no se imaginan enfermos en cama poco después de esta. Pero eso es lo que pudiera ocurrir si la comida en los “buffets” no es manejada y servida con inocuidad. Las bacterias son aguafiestas y el único regalo que traen es una enfermedad transmitida por los alimentos.

¿Cómo es que las bacterias arruinan las fiestas?  Se “enganchan de paseo” en alimentos perecederos dejados a temperatura ambiente sin ser mantenidos fríos a 40 °F (4.4 °C) o menos, o caliente a 140 °F (60 °C) o más. Esto es conocido como “Zona de Peligro”; es decir, la zona entre 40 ° y 140 ° F,  es donde las bacterias crecen y se multiplican de manera exponencialmente, duplicándose en número cada 20 minutos.

Don't Let Bacteria Crash Your Party

People dressed for a holiday party don’t picture themselves sick in bed shortly after the festivities, but that’s what could happen if food on party buffets isn’t handled and served safely. Bacteria are party crashers, and the only housewarming gift they bring is foodborne illness.

How do bacteria crash parties? They hitch a ride on perishable foods left out at room temperature without being kept cold (40 °F and below) or hot (140 °F and above). This is called the “Danger Zone” temperatures between 40 °F and 140 °F where bacteria grow and multiply exponentially, doubling in number every 20 minutes.

MyPlate Holiday Leftovers - MyPlate Holiday Makeover Week 4

The MyPlate Team continues to share “Makeover Monday” recipes each week on the USDA blog and the MyPlate Facebook page through January 6th.

Our family loves the savory flavors of traditional holiday meals. However, after a few rounds of leftovers, it’s great to be able to mix things up with a new twist on the leftover turkey. It’s an added bonus that after all the hustle and bustle, this recipe is an easy, one-dish meal that the whole family will enjoy.

Enviando Regalos de Alimentos a Miembros de Las Fuerzas Armadas

Pasar los días navideños en el hogar no será posible para muchos miembros de las fuerzas armadas. Así que la segunda mejor opción es recibir saludos y regalos comestibles de parte de familiares. Varios alimentos son inocuos para mandar por el correo en tanto se tenga el nombre y dirección del militar estacionado en el extranjero. Por riesgos de seguridad, el Servicio Postal no enviará correo dirigido a “cualquier miembro de las fuerzas armadas”.

Es importante mandar alimentos no perecederos, que pueden tolerar un rango de temperaturas variadas y que no se romperá con manipulación brusca. Regalos de alimentos que se pueden enviar de forma segura incluyen: ‘jerky’ o cecina de res, frutas secas, alimentos enlatados y condimentos regionales como la salsa picante. Galletas hechas en casa, dulces, panes de baja humedad también duran lo suficiente como para ser enviados por  correo.