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Texas Agriculture – Growing in Many Ways

The recent release of the 2017 Census of Agriculture provides an opportunity to remind the general public about the importance and diversity of U.S. agriculture – and Texas is no exception! The Lone Star State ranks first in the nation for total number of farms with just over 248,000, which account for more than 127 million acres of agricultural land (managing almost 74 percent of the state’s 268,581 square miles). Texas agriculture contributed nearly $25 billion to the economy in products sold in 2017.

This Weekend, Enjoy National Hunting and Fishing Day

America marks National Hunting and Fishing Day on September 23, 2017. It started when Congress unanimously passed a joint resolution and former President Richard Nixon issued a proclamation on May 2, 1972, urging “all citizens to join with outdoor sportsmen in the wise use of our natural resources and in ensuring their proper management for the benefit of future generations.”