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From Vet to Fed: U.S. Coast Guard Veteran Now Helps to Protect America’s Agricultural Resources

August 10, 2020 Blayne Harshbarger, Management and Program Analyst, APHIS

The United States Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), the agency I work with, will host virtual hiring events focused on military veterans this Summer and Fall as the agency looks to fill positions to help carry out our Agency mission to safeguard American...


Common Past, Common Future: USDA & Gallaudet Create Opportunities for Students

December 09, 2016 Elanor Starmer, AMS Administrator

I often wonder if the leaders who came before us recognized the pivotal things they set in motion, the far-reaching impact their actions would have, and how they helped shape America into a land of opportunity. President Lincoln’s legacy and impact is well-known and obvious, but he did so much more...


USDA Creates On-site Application Acceptance Program to Recruit Highly Talented and Diverse Candidates

May 29, 2015 Deputy Associate Administrator Karen Comfort, Agricultural Marketing Service

USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) is driven to recruit and hire new and diverse talent into our workforce. Recently, our agency participated in USDA’s innovative on-site application acceptance events targeting Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Hispanic-Serving...

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