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food loss

How to Reduce Food Waste at Home

June 08, 2020 Jean Buzby, USDA Food Loss and Waste Liaison

Each of us has the power to reduce food waste in our homes. As the USDA Food Loss and Waste Liaison, I would like to share with you three of my favorite ways to keep food waste at home to a minimum.

Food and Nutrition Health and Safety

Food Loss at the Farm Level

April 16, 2019 Claudia Hitaj, Economic Research Service

USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS) estimates that about 30 percent of food in the United States goes uneaten at the retail and consumer level.

Research and Science

What to Do with Your Leftover Turkey? The G20 Meeting of the Agricultural Chief Scientists May Have Some Insight

November 28, 2017 Genevieve Croft, International Affairs Fellow, Office of the Chief Scientist

What should you have done with all of that leftover Thanksgiving turkey? Should you have frozen it, given it away, or composted it? Maybe these aren’t even the right questions. Should you have bought a smaller bird? What would you have done if you were in the country of Turkey? Or if you were in...

Research and Science

How Can We Support Affordable, Nutritious Diets? Reduce Wasted Food

October 20, 2015 Angie Tagtow, Executive Director of the Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion and Elise Golan, Director for Sustainable Development, Office of the Chief Economist

Looking for a way to stretch your food dollars? Would an extra $30 per month for each person in your household help? That’s about $370 per person per year, or almost $1,500 for a family of four. That’s the amount of money USDA estimates the average American spends on food that’s not eaten. It is the...

Food and Nutrition

G20 Countries Join Together to Reduce Food Waste

July 22, 2015 Elise Golan, Director for Sustainable Development, Office of the Chief Economist

This May, agricultural ministers from twenty of the world’s largest economies (G20) gathered in Istanbul, Turkey, to issue an Agricultural Communiqué outlining key actions to advance global food security and sustainable food systems. What topped the list of their priorities? Reducing food loss and...

Food and Nutrition

The U.S. Food Waste Challenge at 4,000

June 03, 2015 Dr. Elise Golan, USDA Director for Sustainable Development

Four-thousand and counting! 4,024 to be exact. That is the number of participants in the U.S. Food Waste Challenge at the end of April, 2015. These participants-- businesses, schools and organizations from across the country— are working to reduce food loss and waste in their operations. And, they...

Food and Nutrition

USDA Delivers on Ways to Prevent Food Waste

December 15, 2014 Elise Golan, Director of Sustainability Development, USDA

Less than 2 years ago, the USDA and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) launched the U.S. Food Waste Challenge, with the goal of reducing food waste in the United States. We set an ambitious goal of having at least 400 businesses, schools, and/or organizations join the challenge by...

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