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University of California-Davis

Connection Between Children's Emotions, Mental Skills and Eating Habits

March 22, 2016 Sandra Avant, Public Affairs Specialist, Agricultural Research Service

American children are gaining weight. Obesity now affects one in six children and adolescents in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It’s a major concern because extra pounds can increase risk for developing serious health problems in children, including...

Food and Nutrition Research and Science

The Morrill Act: 153 Years of Innovations for American Agriculture

July 02, 2015 Sonny Ramaswamy, Director, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

July in America. It is summer time and school’s out. It is about vacations and maybe a trip to the beach. It is Independence Day—the 4 th of July—and parades and fireworks. It is about barbecues, hotdogs, and burgers. 2015 marks America’s 239 th birthday. July is also the month for another important...


The New Wave of Wheat: Increasing Resistant Starch to Improve Health Benefits

May 26, 2015 Amanda M. Hils, NIFA Public Affairs

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. Bread and pasta are mealtime favorites and household staples for many, but carbohydrates may also present a problem for many...

Research and Science

USDA Supports Production Research, Helping the Walnut Industry Thrive

May 07, 2015 Michael Durando, Agricultural Marketing Service Fruit and Vegetable Program Marketing Order and Agreement Division Director

Production research is critical for the success of plants for a number of reasons. The resulting data helps growers adjust to the needs of the plant environment and develop best practices to efficiently use water and energy, mitigate pest damage, minimize diseases, and improve productivity. The...

Research and Science

Re-establishing Tribal Biodiversity through Agroforestry

November 17, 2014 Kate MacFarland, U.S.D.A. National Agroforestry Center and Colleen Rossier, University of California-Davis

The Karuk and Yurok Tribes traditionally managed entire watersheds and ecosystems on their ancestral lands to meet their dietary, cultural and spiritual needs. The Tribes are now working with University of California -Berkeley, University of California -Davis, the U.S. Forest Service and other...

Conservation Forestry
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