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Rural Opportunity Investment Conference

President Obama Renews Charge to Help Rural Companies and Communities Compete Globally

February 27, 2015 Ashley Zuelke, Senior Advisor for Export Policy, Promotion and Strategy, International Trade Administration

Cross-posted from the Department of Commerce blog: Yesterday, President Obama announced new commitments in the “Made in Rural America” export and investment initiative, which is charged with bringing together federal trade-related resources for rural communities and businesses. This announcement...


Secretary's Column: Making the Business Case for Rural America

July 25, 2014 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

These days, it seems like it’s easier than ever to turn a good idea into reality. This is the era of Kickstarter, where entrepreneurs can connect with potential investors at the click of a button. Of course, it takes more than money to grow an idea. It takes an atmosphere that fosters creativity and...

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