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American Indians

A Tribute to American Indian and Alaska Native Communities’ Contributions to Conservation, Agriculture

November 02, 2020 Sylvia Rainford, USDA

Did you know that Alaska is home to 229 federally recognized tribes, or 40 percent of all federally recognized tribes nationwide? Alaska Natives are also the largest private landowner in the state.


The Value of Tribal Agricultural Traditions: A Youth Perspective

June 25, 2019 Sally Gifford, USDA Office of Communications

Food sovereignty – the ability to create a self-sufficient food system – is at the heart of the opportunities and challenges facing the Navajo Nation. This spring, Diné College students Tyler Begay, Korrie Johnnie, and Orean Roy were recognized for their exploration of this topic during the American...

Conservation Farming

Tribal Colleges: Acknowledging the Past, Understanding the Present, and Aspiring to a Successful Future

October 25, 2017 Dr. Sonny Ramaswamy, Director, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Oct. 20, 1994, is an important milestone in our nation’s history in regards to equity in research, education, and extension. On that date, 29 tribal colleges, representing different histories, cultural orientations, and organizational structures, received land-grant university (LGU) status. Such LGU...

Research and Science

Waving Wheat Still Smells Sweet in Oklahoma

February 26, 2015 Wil Hundl, Oklahoma State Statistician, National Agricultural Statistics Service

The Census of Agriculture is the most complete account of U.S. farms and ranches and the people who operate them. Every Thursday USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service will highlight new Census data and the power of the information to shape the future of American agriculture. Oklahoma...


Secretary's Column: Our Nation's Wilderness: Yours to Enjoy and Protect

March 28, 2014 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

This year marks the 50 th anniversary of the Wilderness Act. When he signed the Act in 1964, President Lyndon Johnson said, “If future generations are to remember us with gratitude rather than contempt, we must leave them a glimpse of the world as it was in the beginning, not just after we got...


APHIS Reaches Out to Tribal Extension Agents

February 21, 2014 Gail Keirn, USDA APHIS Public Affairs Specialist

Helping American Indians develop profitable farming and ranching businesses, engaging tribal youth in 4-H, enhancing natural resources on reservations, and reaching out to tribal communities about topics that are of interest to them are just some of the activities supported by the Federally...

Animals Plants
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