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Pilot Program

GroupGAP: Food Safety Assurance for Growers and Buyers Big and Small

September 30, 2015 Charles Parrott, AMS Specialty Crops Program Deputy Administrator

In the produce industry, food safety is front and center on everyone’s mind. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently released some of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) final rules, and retailers are looking to buy from FSMA-compliant suppliers. If you’re a retailer or large produce...

Health and Safety

Expanding Healthy, American-Produced Food Offerings to Our Schools - USDA's Pilot Program for Greek-Style Yogurt

March 12, 2014 Laura Castro, USDA's Food and Nutrition Services Director of Food Distribution

The USDA Foods program offers a wide variety of nutritious, 100 percent domestically produced food to help the nation’s schools feed our children and support U.S. agriculture. Each state participating in the National School Lunch Program annually receives a USDA Foods entitlement, which may be spent...

Food and Nutrition

Strengthening the Modern Farm Safety Net for Specialty Crop Growers

February 10, 2014 Brandon C. Willis, Risk Management Agency Administrator

As consumer demand for fresh fruit and vegetables increases, so do the production risks for the nation’s farmers as they grow these crops. To meet this challenge, the Risk Management Agency (RMA) pays close attention to the changing agriculture sector to ensure that crop insurance is made available...

Food and Nutrition
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