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U.S. Military

New Cotton Gauze Stops Bleeding Fast

February 21, 2019 Sue Kendall, Writer/Editor, ARS Office of Communications

Uncontrolled bleeding is the main cause of preventable death in people who experience traumatic injury. This can happen in 5 to 10 minutes if severe blood loss from the injury site isn’t slowed or stopped. Now, Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists in New Orleans, Louisiana, have helped...

Research and Science

At the Intersection of Agriculture and the U.S. Military

June 06, 2014 Arthur Neal, Deputy Administrator, AMS Transportation & Marketing Program

Red, white, and blue balloons soared high above the bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables from local farmers and vendors at the opening of the 19 th season of the USDA Farmers Market. With echoes of the Star Spangled Banner played by the “President’s Own” Marine Band, we celebrated the service of...

Food and Nutrition Farming Initiatives

USDA Loans Scout to Ohio Military Museum

June 13, 2013 Carol Bannerman, Public Affairs Specialist, APHIS

The U.S. Department of Agriculture and its Wildlife Services (WS) program were privileged to assist in placing a light observation helicopter (LOH-6A), but affectionately called a LOACH by service members, on long-term loan at the Mott’s Military Museum in Groveport, Ohio. Talking with the excited...

Animals Plants
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