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Biocontrol Staff Are Modern-Day MacGyvers in the Fight Against Invasive Beetle

May 23, 2016 Sharon Lucik, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)

Emerald ash borer (EAB) beetle is an invasive wood boring beetle, first detected in July 2002 in southeastern Michigan. The pest attacks and kills ash trees and it is responsible for the death and decline of tens of millions of ash in 25 states. EAB lives under the bark and when people move EAB...

Animals Plants

Invasive Pest Invades a National Comic Strip

May 22, 2015 Abbey Powell, APHIS Public Affairs Specialist

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Awareness week is May 17-23 and my tenure in a nationally syndicated comic strip is coming to an end, so it’s a good time to tell you how a new USDA employee wound up cartoon-ized. The Mark Trail strip—known for its environmental themes—just finished a six-week long storyline...

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Forests a Fascination Since High School for Legislative Affairs Specialist

October 28, 2014 Robert Westover, Office of Communication, U.S. Forest Service

When Katie Armstrong read “So You Want to be a Forester,” like many high school students she wasn’t sure what career path she wanted to follow. So she decided to attend a summer forestry camp offered by Michigan Tech. After the camp she was hooked. Then she set her goal on attending Michigan State...


SBIR Grants Help Increase Company Growth, Decrease Forest Waste

September 12, 2014 Scott Elliott, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

With Mother Nature providing the raw material, a company based in Madison, Wisconsin, saw a chance to grow its business, help the local economy, and promote a sustainable environment all at the same time. WholeTrees Architecture and Structures is a small, woman-owned business that has successfully...


Virginia Tech Demonstrates New Method to Treat Ash Firewood

August 04, 2014 Devin J. Wanner, Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry, U.S. Forest Service

The shiny green one-half-inch-long, one-eighth-inch-wide emerald ash borer has destroyed tens of millions of ash trees in the U.S. since the beetle’s discovery in 2002 in Detroit. The real Ash trees comprise around seven percent of the trees in eastern U.S. forests. In urban areas, ash trees make up...

Forestry Animals Plants

All That Glitters Is Not Gold ....

May 20, 2013 Lisa Peraino, Plant Health Safeguarding Specialist

In this case it is green, a brilliant emerald green, and it is chomping its way through America's forests. The emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis, may look pretty, but it is killing our ash trees in our forests and backyards. This is Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week (May 19-25) and the...

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