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Special Nutrition Programs

Turning the Tide on Early Childhood Obesity

August 07, 2013 Dr. Janey Thornton, Deputy Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services

Here at USDA, we’re on a mission to help all of our nation’s children have the best possible chance at a healthy life. So, we’re very encouraged by some recent news from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): the rate of obesity among low-income pre-school children appears to be...

Food and Nutrition Farming

Serving Summer Meals Requires Hard Work and a Big Heart

July 25, 2013 Terri Romine-Ortega, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Southwest Region public affairs specialist

As a public affairs specialist, promoting and publishing information about federal nutrition assistance programs to partners, media and the public is a key part of the job. But I don’t often get to see the real day-to-day operation of these programs. I have attended summer program kick-off events...

Food and Nutrition

Connecting Healthcare and Nutrition through the Summer Food Service Program

May 20, 2013 Tony Craddock, Jr., Food and Nutrition Service, Program Assistant

"Two is better than one." Holding true to this timeless adage, the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) is teaming up with the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to expand the reach of the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). FNS strives to increase food security and reduce hunger by...

Food and Nutrition
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