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Lillian Salerno

New Tools Bring Lenders to the Table for Local, Regional Food Enterprises

May 11, 2016 Lillian Salerno, Deputy Under Secretary, USDA Rural Development

Open any food magazine these days and you’re bound to find a profile of the latest locavore start-up turning cream and cantaloupe into craft popsicles or maple sap into a whole new category of bottled beverages. As consumer demand for local foods continues to climb like pole beans, venture...

Food and Nutrition Farming Rural USDA Results

USDA Hosts Stakeholder Forum on the Benefits and Opportunities of the New Farm Bill Program Designed to Expand the Market for Bio-based Products

July 15, 2015 Lilian Salerno, Administrator, Rural Business Service, USDA

This Thursday, July 16, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and I, along with staff from my Rural Business Energy Division, will have the honor to host a national stakeholder forum on the improvements to, and opportunities available, under the new Biorefinery, Renewable Chemical, and Biobased Product...

Energy Rural

Lessons from the Field: A New Series for Food Hub Development

July 15, 2015 Lilian Salerno, Administrator, Rural Business Service, USDA

Since 2009, USDA has invested in 29,100 local food opportunities, including food hubs, small scale processing and farmers markets across all 50 states and the US territories. These investments include over 12,000 loans and micro-loans to small-scale producers who often sell products locally and over...

Food and Nutrition Farming Rural

Save Energy with USDA Rural Development

March 03, 2015 Lillian Salerno, Rural Business-Cooperatives Service (RBS) Administrator

Last month, Secretary Vilsack announced the opening of the new application cycle for our Rural Energy for America Program (REAP). In addition to the announcement, RBS conducted a national REAP stakeholder forum which discussed program changes and provided examples of successful projects from...

Energy Rural

Resuscitated Biorefinery Breathes New Life into Rural Ohio Community

August 01, 2014 Lillian Salerno, Administrator, Rural Business-Cooperative Services

Erik Chaffer considers himself an optimist. Still, he found himself feeling pretty low as he watched the Great Recession knock the legs out from under the rural Ohio ethanol plant he helped manage. “Everything was pretty good until July 2008. It was just a ‘perfect storm’ type of situation,” said...

Energy Rural

Building Ladders of Opportunity through Rural Small Business Development

May 16, 2014 Lillian Salerno, Rural Business and Cooperative Service Administrator

In his Small Business Week Proclamation earlier this week, President Obama said, “Small businesses represent an idea at the heart of our Nation's promise -- that with ingenuity and hard work, anyone can build a better life.” Having started my own manufacturing company in rural Texas many years ago...


Keeping it Close to Home: How USDA and Small Business Saturday Help Rural Businesses Thrive

November 27, 2013 Lillian Salerno, Administrator, USDA Rural Business-Cooperative Service

By now, we’re all familiar with the uniquely American shopping frenzy known as “Black Friday.” Almost before the Thanksgiving leftovers are even in the fridge, Big Box stores throw open their doors, offering sales geared toward holiday shoppers wrangling for the best deals. Black Friday has become...


USDA Partners With Service Organizations to Help Veterans Find Careers in Agriculture

August 09, 2013 Anne Todd, USDA Rural Development

Veterans returning home from overseas tours-of-duty face many challenges as they readjust to civilian life, and one of the most daunting ones is finding employment. Last year, a new program — the Soldiers to Civilians (S2C) Project — was started in rural west Tennessee to give local veterans the...


Making California and Minnesota a Magnet for New Jobs

July 30, 2013 Nikki Gillespie and Sarah Marquart, Minnesota and California USDA Public Affairs Specialists

While many manufacturing companies provide well-paying jobs and play a vital role in creating vibrant, healthy rural communities, sometimes rural communities may struggle to attract these companies. To help bridge this gap, the Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership (IMCP) was created...

USDA Results Rural

USDA, Helping Small Rural Businesses Grow and Create Jobs

July 23, 2013 Rural Business and Cooperative Service Administrator, Lillian Salerno

Last month, I joined Secretary Vilsack in announcing National Small Business Week on behalf of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Louisiana. In support of rural small businesses, USDA announced several funding opportunities across the country for business owners to increase their capacity to hire...

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