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new farmers

Join us for a Google+ Hangout: The Changing Face of Agriculture with Deputy Secretary Harden

February 19, 2014 Rachael Dubinsky, USDA Office of Communications

This week at Ag Outlook, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Krysta Harden will host a discussion on the challenges and opportunities facing women in agriculture. Women represent part of a diverse population that has a growing interest in the future of agriculture, but young people, veterans, socially...

Conservation Initiatives

Beginning Farmers and Ranchers at a Glance

January 30, 2013 Mary Ahearn, Farm and Rural Household Well-Being Branch, Economic Research Service

USDA programs have targeted assistance to beginning farmers and ranchers since the 1992 Agricultural Credit Improvement Act. Farms or ranches are considered “beginning” if the operators have managed them for 10 years or less. The Economic Research Service has looked at the trend in numbers of...

Food and Nutrition Farming Research and Science
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