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Can I Grow Here? Helping Urban and Innovative Growers Navigate Local Policies

December 07, 2023 Nina Bhattacharyya, USDA Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production

When farming in urban environments, whether in-ground or using innovative production, one of the biggest challenges can be navigating local statutes, zoning, permitting and land use regulations. For growers, understanding legal access to land and water, as well as local policies is critical.


Selecting Trees to Grow in Cities: Database Captures Urban Tree Sizes, Growth Rates Across US

January 05, 2017 Paul Meznarich, Pacific Southwest Research Station, U.S. Forest Service

In the cramped environs of U.S. cities every inch counts, especially if attempting to make space for nature. But now city planners and urban foresters have a resource to more precisely select tree species whose growth will be a landscaping dream instead of a maintenance nightmare. The U.S. Forest...


Trading Spaces: Urbanized Detroit to Forested Manistique, Michigan

October 20, 2014 Janel Crooks, Hiawatha National Forest, and Lisa Perez, Urban Connections Detroit, U.S. Forest Service

Detroit youth joined the U.S. Forest Service and traded their city lights and busy streets for an action-packed three days on the Hiawatha National Forest filled with views of trees, wildlife and dirt roads. For most, this was their first time experiencing life outside the metropolitan area and...


Urban Agriculture and Gardening

October 14, 2011 David Aten

Urban agriculture and gardening can be an important tool in confronting several key challenges that Americans face: from supporting farm viability in and around urban areas to improving access to healthful, affordable food to realizing the potential of rural-urban linkages.

Food and Nutrition Health and Safety Farming
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