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Food Hubs

In Virginia, a Food Hub Helps Growers Scale Up

May 31, 2013 Elanor Starmer, Marketing and Regulatory Programs

Mark Seale got out of agriculture early. A Virginia native raised on the family farm, he didn’t see a future in the business once he finished high school – and his family didn’t argue with him. But over the years, Mark found himself drawn back to agriculture in Virginia. Working with produce was...

Food and Nutrition Farming

Deputy Secretary Discusses Food Hubs, New Orleans Style

February 28, 2013 Karen Lawson, Louisiana USDA Public Information Officer

New Orleans is known for many special things, not the least of which is its food. That’s why Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Kathleen Merrigan chose the crescent city this week to release a new report on the importance of food hubs in America. The report finds that there is an increasing demand for...

Food and Nutrition Farming Rural

Local and Regional Food: Farmers Markets and Beyond

August 10, 2012 Arthur Neal, AMS Deputy Administrator, Transportation and Marketing Program

This week we’ve celebrated farmers markets as a vibrant segment of U.S. agriculture that offers a unique and personal way to connect producers and consumers. We highlighted decades of farmers market participation, updated the status of farmers markets across the U.S., offered an example of...

Food and Nutrition Farming

What Can the Food Environment Atlas Tell You?

July 06, 2012 Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan

Understanding a community’s food environment is key to understanding a community’s identity. But what can a “food environment” tell us? A community’s food environment is a technical term for assessing information about the who, what, where, and how of food availability in a given community: Who are...

Conservation Food and Nutrition

Introducing the Regional Food Hub Guide: An Innovative Tool for Growing Local Food Systems

April 25, 2012 Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan

What can farmers and ranchers do if they’re interested in selling locally but don’t have the resources to run their own trucks, processing plants or marketing strategies? What can institutional buyers, --like schools, hospital and retailers -- do to offer more local food to their customers? A...

Food and Nutrition

Apply to Make a Difference: Farmers Market Promotion Program Grants Available

April 05, 2012 Arthur Neal, Deputy Administrator, AMS Transportation and Marketing Program

Every day, thousands of local farmers and ranchers work hard to ensure that their communities have access to a diverse range of fresh, healthy affordable foods. While nutritious food is a cornerstone of society’s physical health, a vibrant community also includes sustainable economic opportunities...

Food and Nutrition Farming

The Best Food Distribution Models for Small and Mid-Sized Farmers

March 16, 2012 Adam Diamond, Agricultural Marketing Specialist, and James Barham, Economist, AMS Transportation and Marketing Program

Small and mid-size farmers are the backbone of farmers markets, but they often face particular obstacles when trying to sell products in markets like grocery stores, restaurants, hospitals, and schools. Through the Transportation and Marketing program at USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS)...

Food and Nutrition Farming

Introducing..... The Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food Compass

February 29, 2012 Secretary Tom Vilsack and Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan

Are you a farmer, rancher or food business entrepreneur interested in local and regionally-produced food? Are you a community leader wondering how local and regional food systems can help your local economy? Are you a consumer interested in learning more about where your food comes from?

Food and Nutrition Farming

Good Food for All People: Food Hubs at Work in Philadelphia

January 27, 2012 James Barham, Agricultural Economist, Agricultural Marketing Service

There are many communities across the country grappling with limited access to affordable, fresh fruits and vegetables at a time when these same communities are fighting rising rates of childhood obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other diet-related illnesses. The very definition of community—that inter...

Food and Nutrition Farming

Then and Now, USDA Feeds the Nation

December 21, 2011 Rex A. Barnes, AMS Deputy Administrator, Poultry and Eggs Program

During the holiday season, food banks across America experience a spike in demand and this year is no different. Today that seasonal demand is also bolstered by a significant rise in client numbers because of the current U.S. economy. One of those food distributors seeing an uptick in demand is the...

Food and Nutrition
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